{Chapter 10}

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It's been two weeks since I met Loyd and I've been so wrapped up in him. He has been a very sweet and loving person. We've been sending letters almost every day, and when we would meet we would spend hours with each other.

"Master are you listening?!"

"Huh," I open my eyes to see Teddy in my face with papers. "What are you daydreaming about? Did you even hear a thing I said for the last 10 minutes?" He asked waving the papers around.
I chuckled "Of course, I didn't". He sighed tossing his body back into the chair, "Whoever you're thinking about better have money." I looked at him with an eyebrow raised, "why is that?" He looked at me with a cunning grin "So we can swindle him to help with some repairs and fund our lifestyle." I started to laugh at him as he joined.

"Maybe we should but for now he's too precious and loving to do that too."

"If you say so"

Teddy has always been a cornerstone of the making of this guild. He's what helps this place run as smoothly as it does. I leaned my head on my hand and looked at him.

"You know I never understood why you always decline to be one of my vice captains."

"Too much work, plus I like us like this"

"The argument about it's too much work is ludicrous when you're here doing the work of a vice-captain right now."

"I guess you're right," he said laughing.

"Remember, you were the first one to listen to my silly ideas of an assassination corp. The other assassins laughed at the thought of a teenager running a corp. You were the only one who stopped to hear me out, ask questions, and help refine some of my plans. We built this place together, it makes me feel so heavyhearted that you won't let me give you a titled position"

"It's just not my style to have a title to show off or anything. How about this, let me be your personal guard."

"How does that benefit you?"

"I get to spend time with you how I do now and I'll be able to keep you safe so win-win"

"Are you sure that's what you want to do? You know I can just name you the co-owner"

"Unacceptable!" he sprang up out of his seat and marched over to my desk. "This is your dream, I could never try and take a part of it. Norah I've watched you work hard to grow this place and I want to support you just like how I did from day one. I want to be here to protect you like how you did for me, so the only title I'm taking from you is personal guard, nothing more, nothing less."

"Okay Teddy," I said to him smiling, "but before I can appoint you, you'll have to meet my grandparents. They'll be here in a few days, and there's also learning knight etiquette."

"I don't need to learn knight etiquette, remember my father was one."

"Right... before the Emperor's massacre"

The Emperor massacred one of his knight squadrons because they had refused to obey his orders to kill his illegitimate children ages ranging from newborn to 7. Unfortunately, the captain of the squadron was Teddy's dad. That vile monster of an Emperor brought Teddy to the execution ground to witness his father's death. Luckily he escaped or he would have been next. I got up and threw him my second title plaque. He caught it and looked at it.

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