Tickle Tipson Chapter 7: the Reaction.

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The principal Josh Hutcherson, told this to the mom "of course not! My daughter wouldn't do anything like thaat?! In fact you guys are wrong! Im leaving!!! Tickle Tipson come with me." Said the mom "m-ma'am y-you cant do tha-" said Dr Kim. The next day, when Princess Uwu Queen arrived at school EVERYONE gave HER the looks. "Uhmm guys what are you doing?" Said Princess Uwu Queen "No ones gonna listen to YOU" IeatAtomicBombsLeftNoseHair said in disgust.

But then Princess Uwu Queen didn't want to stay like this forever so she made a plan, "Hey Jakey boo woo too loo koo yoo doo goo hoo foo boo noo moo xoo coo zoo! Follow me!" Princess Uwu Queen said, Jake followed her then... DUN DUN DUNNN "LISTEN HERE MY POOKIE YOU BETTER BE MINE NOW!" Princess Uwu Queen shouted "OR ELSE *epik musik* MY DARK SIDE IS WAITING FOR YOU" "f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-fine!!!!!"" Said Jake in fear.

Princess Uwu Queen walked down the hallway like a model and put up some posters that said... "TICKLE TIPSON WAS LYING SHE WAS USING MAKEUP *edited proof*" Everyone was shocked h-how could Tickle Tipson do this everyone thought, but they didn't know they were just falling in Princess Uwu Queens trap.

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