Tickle Tipson Chapter 10: Prank Time!

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At school Princess Uwu Queen made another video "Hey guys for a prank dump the asteroid that killed all dinosaurs on earth onto your enemy! *Dumps the asteroid that killed all the dinosaurs on earth onto Tickle Tipson* AHAHAHAHAHAHA GEY REKT TICKLE TIPSON LOOK WHOS LAUGHING NOW" "WHAT I WASN'T EVEN LAUGHI-" Tickle Tipson said before she was sent to the nurses office.

"H-hey guys don't you think we're going too far?" IeatAtomicBombsSubatomicParticleOnTheirFingerNail said "No? C'mon just dont be a- dont be a nerd!" IeatAtomicBombsSubatomicParticleOnTheirFamilyOwnedRestaurantInNewYorkCity replied. "Tickle Tipson what on earth happened now!" The nurse demanded for an answer, "Well I teleported to 65 million years ago on accident! And yeah this happened" Tickle Tipson lied. Then after that Tickle Tipson wanted to get revenge so she filled Princess Uwu Queens Stanley cup with 500 milileteres of botulinum toxin "MUAHAHHAHAHA DONT MESS WITH THE TICKLE TIPSON AHHA!" Tickle Tipson said while cackling.

After P.E (Physical Education) Princess Uwu Queen ran to drink some water untill.. the botulinum toxin got her! "Ahh its fine, an ice pack would work!" Ms  IeatAtomicBombsSubatomicParticleOnTheirHairFollicle said. "AUUAUAUAUAUIA HELP ME I LITERALLY DRANK THE WORLDS MOST TOXIC THIN-" Princess Uwu Queen screamed in pain, when Princess Uwu Queen recovered she quickly ran to Tickle Tipson and said "Hey there! Look at this cute Octopus!!! It has little blue rings on it! So cute! Try and pet it" "Didn't I just put botulinum toxin in ur water bottle why are you here? But sure!" Tickle Tipson said.

"AUAUUEURUEUAUAUAUAUUAAUU WHAT THE HELL PRINCESS UWU QUEEN I THOUGHT WE WERE SISTERSSSNS AJSKSMSJSKANAMSM WHAT HELP ME" Tickle Tipson said in agony "heh revenge also byee!" Princess Uwu Queen said trying not to burst in laughter.

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