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"Yes," you softly state.

"Wonderful!" Aro says gleefully. Wonderful indeed, Demetri thinks. "As I said before, there'll be no fight today."

"Cara Mia," your true mate states as he holds his hand out to you, oh, how you loved his voice. It made you want to melt. You speed over and grasp his hand; you almost gasp from the electrical sensation you feel. Sparks. "Trust me," he whispers. You nod, looking at him through your eyelashes. Oh, how Demetri wanted you.

The Volturi and Thea then turn and speed off. 

True to your word, you trust Demetri who leads you to a private section of the airport. Only the high-ranking guards and the Kings are there. He must be making all the others run back to Volterra. In the private section is a lavish black private jet. 

As you board, you notice the twins, Amun had told you so much about, Jane and Alec. But to you, they just looked like kids who had their childhood taken away from you. You give a small smile to the two who look surprised I didn't glare at them with hatred or jealousy but with sympathy. Demetri, who is now leading you by putting a hand on your back led you to a seat by the giant executioner: Felix.

After being introduced to Felix, the very playful giant and his mate Heidi, the beautiful fisher. As if sensing your self-consciousness Demetri whispers in your ear so low only you can hear, "Her beauty doesn't even compare to your Cara Mia, not even a scratch." If you were human, you would've been blushing as hard as a tomato is red. He smirks slightly at your reaction. 

"We're landing in Volterra now," the pilot states over the communications. As you enter the castle, a beautiful one I might add, you feel the stares of the human receptionist, Gianna. "Lead her to your room Demetri, we'll talk to her after you two get to know each other," Aro states. "Thank you master," Demetris replies immediately. "Thank you, my King," you reply smiling slightly.

As you're led again by Demetri with his hand on your back, sliding closer to just resting on your opposite hip, with you tucked in his grasp. As you enter his room, your eyes go wide. You had expected a black room with no windows, but you were completely wrong. His room was beautiful. It had a large full-length window on one wall, a dark Mahagony wood framed black and red bed in the middle, framed by matching bedside tables. You assume the two other doors lead to a bathroom and a wardrobe. But what surprises you is all of the old books on the bookshelf in the corner of the room. You speed over there quickly, scanning your eyes over the books recognising many. 

Demetri, silently watching you observe loving your reaction of pure wonder, he thought you looked adorable. As soon as you speed over to his bookshelf he slowly walks over watching you skim your hand over all of the books. Once he gets close enough he wraps his arms around you and pulls you flush to him and brings his mouth to your ear. "Like what you see Cara Mia?"


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