Chapter Eighteen

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I was laying on my back staring at a hospital ceiling. I didn't know what was going on but I saw there was a curtain in front of my face. Kyle was standing next to me and was talking to me.
"Baby you're getting an emergency c-section. You were in a car accident." I couldn't really process what he just said but doctors were running around me. I saw the anxious looks in Kyle's eyes. The look he had was a look of excitement. He was about to meet his daughter in a matter of minutes and hold her for the first time. I saw equipment covered in blood. My blood. I kept my head up at the ceiling and turned when Kyle started to talk again.
"You're doing great baby. I love you so much." I smiled and looked back up at the ceiling. I was only focused on one thing right now and that was getting my daughter out.
"Mrs. Johnson you're doing great. We're almost done." I felt a sense of relief knowing that I was almost done. My body was numb and I couldn't even feel myself breathing.
Within seconds I heard a cry. It was my baby girls cry. She was here. She was finally with us. Kyle had tears in his eyes and was looking at her with deep love for her. She was such a miracle to us.
I saw a glimpse of him and he was holding our daughter in a blanket with a little hat on. He brought her over to me so I could see her. The tears of joy rushed through my eyes. This was my creation. Me and Kyles creation. She was perfect in every way and I was so obsessed with her already. All was well until I heard yelling.
"Somebody help her. She's pale and losing a lot of blood." Doctors ran to me and surrounded me yelling out demands to others. Kyle was just standing there in worry. Worry for me. A new life entered the world and mine was slipping away by the second. The doctor took my baby from him and took her somewhere else. I didn't know where. I wanted to know but I couldn't. I was physically unable to just get up and run after her. Kyle had tears in his eyes and grabbed my hand. He had to worry about me now. I saw nurse come and push him away and out of the room. I was alone in this room all by myself. People I didn't know were trying to fix the problem I couldn't see. I could only imagine how Kyle felt at this precise moment. He worried about me like crazy and now he's not able to be in the room with me. The doctors scrubs were covered full of blood and they looked down at my withering face with worry in their eyes. I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. Within seconds I saw darkness. That was the only thing I was witnessing right now. Darkness.
"Destiny! Are you awake?" I opened my eyes and I was in a different room. I wasn't flat on my back anymore. I must've been unconscious for a long time. I looked and saw I was sitting up in a hospital bed and my daughter was in a bassinet right next to me.
"What happened?" The nurse came in and saw me awake.
"You lost a lot of blood that became very life threatening but out of it all, you got a healthy and beautiful baby girl." I peeked inside the bassinet and saw her asleep. Kyle walked around to the side she was on and picked her up.
"You wanna hold your daughter?" I nodded and he placed her into my arms. She had a face that looked just like his. I adored it. Her little hands fit perfectly in mine. I started crying. Not because I was sad but because I was happy. I was looking at my daughter lie asleep in my arms. Kyle leaned in to look at her a little more. He kissed the side of my head.
"I'm so proud of you." I smiled and looked up at him.
"We did this." He nodded at me with a gorgeous look on his face.
After all we've been through, this was the one miracle in our life. She made us happy and got my mind off of losing Kyle.
"What are you gonna name her?" I had a name picked out a long time ago but just haven't told him. I wanted it to be a surprise for him and I knew he would like it.
"I decided to go with Kylie. There's no other way I would want it to be. I want her to say that she got her name from her father. I want her to be remembered by her father's name because he was a special man and brought joy to everyone." He started crying and wiped his eyes.
"It's perfect. I love it." I smiled as he gave me another kiss.

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