10 - I am his Star

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Aakriti's pov :-

I just kissed him ran inside , itni Himmat kaha se aagyi mujh mein ki mein ne sidhe hayee. I covered my face with my hands. I was moving towards my room when I noticed mumma coughing very badly in the kitchen , I ran towards her and quickly made her drink water. After she calmed down a little , I took her till her room and made her sit on then bed and asked her "mumma are you OK , your health doesn't seem very good to me let's go to doctor tomorrow"

"No mera baccha everything is fine and I Don't need to go to any doctor , I am totally fine" she assured me and I nodded still unconvinced.

"Accha tell me how was your shopping with everyone" she asked and my mind drifted again to all memories I made today with Kritharth and a smile unknowingly made way to my lips.

"Seeing your smile , I can sense you had a good time , accha show me the saree you got for yourself" she said and I showed her the saree and everything else I got , except the thing which Kritharth give me. I decided to see it later in my room. Mumma liked everything I bought and asked me to rest now in my room , I stood up when mumma again held my hand and made me sit again on the bed and took my hands in hers.

"Sona mere bacchi you have to promise me one thing that if someday I also leave this world like your papa , then you take care of your brother like you are his second mother and always love him like I love him" she said and it was feeling more like she was requesting me , and ofcourse I would always love and care for Aryan more than myself but why mumma was saying this , she is not going anywhere , no no never she has to live with me Aryan for the rest of her life.

"Mumma but why are you saying , you are not going anywhere right , you will stay with us forever right mumma?" I asked her and by now I was in tears because I can't afford to loose her too after I lost papa.

"No baccha I am not going anywhere even if I go then I will be always watching my babies grow up with your father but now you leave all this and rest okay and don't take tension at all" she assured while patting my head , I nodded and wiped my tears , heading towards my room. I was thinking why mumma said all this today , I am already not feeling very good about her these days and now she is talking like this. I entered my room and locked it , I changed into my regular clothes and then my eyes fell on the packet which Kritharth gave me and told me open it at home. I took that packet and sat on my bed , when I opened it I was awestruck looking at the most beautiful star pendant I have ever seen , it is really so elegant and just looking like a wow , I giggled as I just remembered that meme from instagram , then I noticed a small note , I opened it started reading.

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Dear Aakriti

Today I am going to tell you something which I always wanted to tell from a very long time but never had the courage to do so , I am giving you this star pendant because you are my star and I am your sky just like sky needs the star , I also need you in my life. I know I am young for you but you can take your time but I can't wait more to tell you when I first saw your smile I knew it I wanted to see it for the rest of my life. If I could give you one thing in life then I would give to the ability to see yourself and realize how special you are to me. I fell for you four years back without knowing and I am still falling , yes Aakriti aap sahi samjhi ishq hai mujhe aapse. Mujhe aapke jawab ka intezaar rahega. I love you star.

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