Chapter 3

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    I woke up at about 8:30 and Bakugo was already gone, always the early bird I thought, I get up and out of bed and I go to the bathroom, brush my teeth and make my bed. I tie my hair in a hairband and sit on my bed scrolling through my phone then I hear a knock on my door.

Bakugo "Open up"

Y/n "okay I'm coming"

Bakugo "Good morning babe"

Y/n "Oh? so we're doing that now?"

Bakugo "shut up and kiss me"

He smiles and gives me a gentle kiss, I pull away and I continue to scroll through my phone. Then Bakugo opens my legs and lays his head between them.

Y/n "what are you doing?"

Bakugo "getting comfortable"

I laugh and we just sit there for a few minutes until I finally get bored and I smell something good breakfast, just what I need I thought. I get out from under bakugo and walk out to the dining room where everyone was getting ready to eat. Ida was doing his famous hand chopping motion at Denki looking at a broken dish on the floor, Mina and Hagakure were busy chatting and I just popped one of my airpods out and sat at the table next to Bakugo, I turned down my music and looked at Mina who was sitting across from me trying to get my attention.

Mina "soooo?"

Y/n "what?"

Mina "last night, how did it go?"

Y/n "oh, yeah, it went great"

Mina "anything else?"

Y/n "me and Kat are dating now, and that's about it"

I say nonchalantly and I pick up my chopsticks and begin to eat my food, in which was some Gohan and ogura toast. I quickly finished the bowl and scooped some more rice into my bowl and cracked another egg in the middle, I mixed it all up and ate it before I caught Mina staring at me.

Y/n "your staring again"

Mina "sorry I was just thinking"

Y/n "about what?"

Mina "that your not afraid"

Y/n "of what?"

Mina "to eat in front of other people"

Y/n "is that a bad thing?"

Mina "no, it's actually a good thing. Most people are insecure about how they look when they're eating"

Y/n "oh I guess I've just never thought about it"

I eat the rest of my food and I wait for everyone to finish up so I could clean up the table.

????? "ugh when can I come out?"

Y/n "not now kinen"

Kinen "why not? I've done what you ask and I didn't come out last night at all even when you went to sleep! when are you going to tell them about me?"

Y/n "soon kinen, soon"

Kinen "yeah sure, where have I heard that before?"

Y/n "be quiet, they're going to get suspicious"

Ochako "Hey Y/n! who are you talking to?"

damn you kinen! I told you!

Kinen "sorry!"

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