Chapter 14

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As Gloria and I observe the soldiers attempting to guide people onto the plane, a troubling sight unfolds before us. Some individuals vehemently refuse to board, adamantly resisting with acts of violence against our soldiers. Despite their aggression, our soldiers remain protected by their sturdy uniforms, impervious to the knives and bullets aimed their way.

Frustration mounts within me as I witness their obstinance, their refusal to accept salvation out of misguided prejudice and fear. Those who attempt to force their way onto the plane are promptly ejected, their actions fueled by greed and racism met with swift retribution.

"We won't tolerate such behavior," I declare firmly, my voice carrying across the tumult. "Those who refuse to board out of bigotry have no place among those we seek to save." With resolve, we continue our efforts to evacuate those who are willing, ensuring that only the truly innocent find refuge on our island.

As I observe the Warriors engaging in emotional conversations with their parents, a pang of melancholy washes over me. Gloria's keen perception doesn't escape her notice of my somber mood, prompting her inquiry.

"Eren?" she queries gently.

"I'm fine... Just reminiscing about the past," I reply, masking the weight of my thoughts. "I didn't see my grandparents anywhere. I presume after Zeke's betrayal, they were likely imprisoned and unable to escape like the others."

"It's a sobering reality," Gloria acknowledges, her voice laced with empathy. "But you're not alone anymore. We're a family, and Carla is waiting for our return."

Her words offer a glimmer of solace, and I manage a faint smile in response. "I know," I affirm, finding comfort in our bond and the prospect of reuniting with loved ones.

Despite our efforts to extend an olive branch, there are still those who harbor hostility towards us, seeking to vent their anger through violence. Yet, with the protective barrier of Hardening and our Titan powers, their attacks are easily thwarted. Regrettably, I'm forced to resort to lethal force against a few aggressors, a grim reminder of the harsh realities we face and the necessity of defending ourselves against those who seek to harm us.

As the flying planes from Hizuru depart, leaving only our own flying boat behind, a sense of finality settles over us. Those who remain on the ground have made their decision, choosing to face their fate rather than accept salvation from what they perceive as devils. Among them stand the Warriors, resigned to their chosen path.

Annie's question to Armin pertains to the possibility of boarding the flying plane for evacuation. Her exact question might be something like, "Is there any chance we can still get on that plane?" She's likely expressing a glimmer of hope or desperation, hoping for a chance to escape despite the odds.

Armin's response, "I don't think we can, even if we want to," indicates that he believes their situation is dire and the opportunity for escape has passed. His words convey a sense of resignation, suggesting that he sees no feasible way for them to board the plane at this point. His expression mirrors the gravity of the situation, indicating the weight of their predicament.

I exchange a somber glance with Gloria, a silent acknowledgment of the weight of our choices and the inevitability of our circumstances. Despite the ache in my heart at the thought of leaving Reiner and Annie behind, I know that they have made their choice, just as we have made ours. All that remains is to press forward.

Boarding the plane alongside Gloria, we await the final boarding of our soldiers before departing for Paradis Island. As the engines roar to life, carrying us away from the tumult below, I can't help but feel a pang of sorrow for those we leave behind, even as we journey toward an uncertain future.

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