[9]:long live

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after the game we headed back to the dorms and everyone was exhausted, except for me since i'd downed 2 coffees.

i threw my phone onto my bed, pulling my hoodie over my head.

the dorm was kinda a mess since we all rushed out this morning and since i had no clue what nika and kk were doing i decided to blast music while cleaning.

i hoovered over basically every surface while belting out to speak now album.

i decided to also bake some cookies, making them into little love hearts before shoving them into the oven.

as taylor swift carried on playing and my cookies baked i cleaned up the mess i'd made of the kitchen.

right as i was finishing up i heard the door open, deciding nika and kk can deal with my last 5 or so minutes of singing.

as i scream the lyrics to long live i could hear the sound of feet coming into the room, aswell as the oven beeping at me.

i bent down to the oven, pulling out the tray of cookies and placing them on the stove to cool down.

i turned around to see half the team scattered across the room, kk almost getting headbutted as i screamed in her face.

'kk jesus, personal space ?' i breathed, holding my chest.

'smells so good' she practically drooled. 'lemme have one'

'when they've cooled down' i chuckled.

'what's cooking good looking ?' paige asked as she walked into the kitchen.

'cookies' i smiled.

'someone say cookies ?' azzi shouted, flinging herself around the corner as the girls followed her.

'did you clean ?' nika asked, sniffing the air.

'ya' i responded, swatting kk's hand away from the tray 'wait' i scolded.

'wifey material' aubrey laughed, causing the girls to chuckle.

'go and get one girls' i rolled my eyes, causing the girls to race to the cookies.

'did you just bulk make these or what' paige laughed.

'i got the measurements a little bit off' i shrugged.

'a little, you could feed a village with that' she joked, pointing at the quickly diminishing tray of cookies.

'hey keep making fun of my cookies and there won't be any left for you' i raised my eyebrows.

'like you could get between me and a cookie' she smirked as the girls all went and sat down eating.

i smiled before grabbing the tray and walking away.

'get back here' she gasped as i stood on the other side of the counter.

she wasted no time hopping over it and reaching for one as i quickly pulled them away and guarded them with my back to her.

she reached around me, trying to get to them as i tried to shake her off.

'guys the sexual tension is killing me kiss already' kk called out sighing.

me and paige pulled away, red faced as i nodded towards the cookies and she took one instantly taking a bite.

'nice ?' i asked quickly.

'tasty' she nodded as we awkwardly turned away from each other and sat down.

'aw they're like embarrassed little kids' nika joked.

'shut up' we both responded, not looking up from the floor.

me🤝short chapters
um hey u guys i'm alive sorry for ghosting u guys🥰

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