⚪~Chapter 02: Suzhal~⚪

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Chaos forms the storms that fetch the hustles of peace in bits.


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"Welcome to the Crowbar, we offer-"

"Just Coffee."

Her flat decision earned some tacky stares as the auburn eyes tried to hoot and dismiss what they just heard.

"Mam, I respect the choice but it's a bar. We don't do-"

"Well, you can try now, Mr."

She cut him short as she walked ten steps. Her hands loitered the little shrub pots serenely spreading their aura of springs. She glanced at the wooden floors reflecting the cone beam lights, before pulling the beige-tanned wooden chair to a sleek squat.

I thought she would be sweet!

She rolled her eyes. He shrugged his shoulders at her comments and scribbled something over his forehead.

"Saga, get me the order." He crossed his arms making her narrow her angled slits.

"Why would you pick me?" She twisted her neck as dramatic as she could.

"Who placed the bets?"

Before she could realize her claws glided to the edge of the table to the force that slid them.

"Owe! Ohhoo! Silly move."

In a swift blow, she wrapped her feathers back before the leap.

"Do you think she wouldn't be taken aback if I speak?"

He chewed his lips to tease her with a standard smile that meant nothing.

"Argh! Why do smart sheep always bait the goats?"

Striking his tail on his wrists, she flew to the strange space of the place.

God save me from hits!

A small thud resonated in her tiny four chambers as she prepped herself. She landed on the melamine perch stand holding the menu of the night written in flowy letters. Her thrill-driven pupils met the empty hazel as they gasped.

"Shooooo. Shooo- go away!"

Not reacting to her bland gestures, her claws hit the spring to get her attention.

"No thanks, coffee is fine. I just have that much money." Her fingers rushed to her pockets to make sense.

"It's all free coz it's your first time."

"You speak?"

She stood up with lids that were wider open than her lips.

"Yes. I do."

She blurted as her furry hind legs folded cautiously to be ready to dodge whatever may come.

"That's so amazing! Hey bartender, how did you train a crow?"

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