My vows

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" are we infinity, reki? "
I had asked you.
I remember the night well.
The warm night air blowing wisps of my hair to my nose n ur bandana was in ur hands.
You looked at me perplexed as if this was common knowledge.
I stared at you the question flat in the room
so you laughed instead.
" of course dude, we're forever.. "
Those words implementing undeniable faith in me, I smiled.
We were never without each other just like our skateboards.
I watched u giggle and knott ur eyebrows into an honest look.
No more words were nescisary.
We had each other and that was enough.
Even on ur worst nights i knew we were enough.
" You are enough, reki. "
I had smoothed over ur hair and held onto ur back.
Wiped ur tears n let u cling to me.
I consoled u like a child who needed comfort.
I was scared that I couldn't do enough for u.
But slowly ur breathing nicked and ur hands stopped shaking.
And u slowly calmed into my chest our hearts pacing together.
" never leave me Langa "
U pleaded as if I had considered leaving.
Even when I swear death do us apart I'm a liar.
Because I fully intend on meeting you in every universe.
In every part of space and at different times.
Even if we have black and blonde hair, green and brown eyes.
Have different names and live in different countries.
I will love you just the same.
" never, reki "
I kissed ur forehead the moment too overwhelming for u to register, but u still smiled.
Warmth restored to ur face just like at the skate park.
Your precious haven I was invited into.
I watched u skid and skate cutting through the wind.
And when u were tired youd retire next to me leaning dead weight to my shoulder.
Id watch u pull a face and start tinkering with ur trucks.
I've watched u make the boards.
Delicately uve painted designs and screwing in the wheels.
And I'd like to think how much my dad would've liked to meet you.
As much as I talk about you it doesn't compare to what you actually make.
Brilliantly unique designs that go unmatched.
He had a knack for making things, little trinkets to furniture.
I'm sure he would've loved to learn ur skills and admire ur craftsmanship.
Ur smart hands that paint and draw and craft like no others.
I've held those hands before.
I Traced the silver lines of the past on them, those delicate damages repaired with time.
I tapped on every mole and mark and kissed at ur palm.
U flinched at this impulse.
We sat at the skate park on the half pipe that was loitered with our memories.
Ur mouth fell agape words lacking for the moment.
" I love you reki.. "
I had said against my brains will but following my hearts.
It was a constant thrum and beating loud in my ears I just had to get it out.
I watched ur face contort to shock ur eyes shot wide.
And a wild blush spread rapidly across ur face.
You looked as if u were set on fire.
the glow of the setting sun illuminating you into a figure of an angel.
U ducked into ur chest closing an unsure hand to mine that held ur wrist.
I barely heard u when u spluttered a quiet,
" I love you too..."
The whisper pierced my heart and I smiled helplessly.
I've never told you reki.
But before meeting you I don't think I had laughed like I do in years.
The night we made up in the park marks the reset.
I laughed because I knew that then we'd never be alone.
I felt a version of me that I thought died long long ago be revived that night.
I felt alive and I owe it all to you.
I can't pay u any amount of money for what you've done for me as it's priceless.
You've coated my world in a golden outline and I feel treasured by even u looking at me.
I remember us laying on the sofa one morning.
I messed with ur hair gently brushing it through with my hands.
U were texting miya balancing ur phone to ur chest n biting ur hoodie string.
I felt suffocated by ur warmth and light.
I thought of a future we could have together.
So once more I asked again
" are we infinity, reki? "
The phone fell from it balance and I watched u glance up to me a pout on ur face.
A display of freckles caught in the sunlight from the window.
I fought the urge to kiss you.
To smother u with love and hold u tight to me.
But I just admired you from above to let u reply.
U let out a giggle fanned with a light blush you pulled out ur hoodie string from ur teeth.
" u don't have to keep asking me that if ur gonna forget js marry me or smth"
So I did.

I took a second to glance to my surroundings taking a breather taking the ring from the stand behind me, my nerves now gone from my speech being over.

I could see Adam and snake sat with Joe n cherry dressed all refined and calmly sat together after making up a year or two back. Adam and them still fight but Joe and cherry do to each other all the time so I guess it's okay, plus both couples r probably busy reminiscing on their weddings they had to be threatened by sitting next to each other. I see miya watching on the edge of his seat hand placed on his knees and shoulders raised beaming like an excited cat. Next to him oka is with sketchy patting shadow on the shoulder who's sobbing into a flower handkerchief, shadow supplied us with most of the flowers along with snake who got them from his garden which was a nice surprise. I see rekis family his youngest sisters all grown and in matching red dresses their hair decorated with pins braids. His mums holding my mums hand in hers consoling my mum as she also sobs into her hand smiling at me in the alter, now I don't know if it was the fact I turned too quickly back to reki but I could've sworn Oliver was there too, glad you could make it dad.

I look back to reki he's hiding himself behind his red yellow and orange bouquet but I can tell his smiling. Tears fall delicately into the petals of the flowers, soaking the leaves. I take his hand and gently place a kiss on it before sliding the cold metal onto his finger. Mine already in its place I intertwine my fingers to his. "U-ur speech was waaaay better than mine dude!" He laughs out breathlessly wiping his face with his hand that holds the bouquet. His gorgeous smile not even ruined by tears, god I love him. I take him by his waist n he jumps to my shoulders we sway on the spot tears threaten me now. We will forever be together and I couldn't be happier. I have everything I could ever want in life, reki.
"I love you reki. I'll love you forever."
"I love you too man, for infinity."
"Yes, I'd like that."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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