3. Meeting him

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Next day came. As usual Amelia woke up at 7 am and got ready for school. She went downstairs for breakfast. He grandparents were already there waiting for her. She kissed their cheeks and greeted them "Good Morning". They greeted her back. Amelia ate her breakfast and left for school. While reaching she saw Lucy and Ricardo standing and talking. Lucy saw her and waved her hand towards her. Ricardo turned around and smiled at her.

"Yo girl wassup!" Lucy said.

Amelia just nodded her head.

"Speak sometime without nodding your head." Ricardo said while holding her head and shaking it left right.

Amelia slapped his hand away from her head. "What are you two doing outside?" She asked.

"Waiting for the other three idiots including you." Ricardo said.

Amelia raised her eyebrows and again nodded.

"I will slap your head next time if you nod again."

She again nodded her head.

When he was going to slap Amelia bent down and kicked him behind his knees, which caused him to fall down.

Lucy was laughing like a hyena after watching him. 'Why the hell is she laughing like that?' Amelia thought. Her lips twitched upwards.

Ricardo groaned and said, "O my beautiful butt. Ouch, it's hurting. I will take revenge on you."

Amelia nodded her head again.

"Why the heck are you sitting on the ground?" A voice came from their backside.

Amelia looked at her back and saw Matthew and Jackie coming towards them.

"Nothing Ric just wanted to kiss the ground with his butt." Lucy commented and started laughing again. Amelia looked at her weirdly.

"Sometime you want your dog to kiss your butt and now the ground, what's wrong with you man?" Matthew said and laughed.

"Ricardo's butt and the ground..." Jackie pointed towards the ground "kissing under a tree..Muah" All of them laughed at him.

Amelia looked at Ricardo and saw him glaring at her. She smiled at him with her lips upward like pennywise.

"hehe..." Ricardo laughed sarcastically. Hearing his laugh they laughed even more. He stood up and dusted himself. "What you guys looking at?"

"Your face.." The laughed so hard that tears were rolling down from their eyes. This time Amelia giggled while looking at him.

All of a sudden they heard a car sound.

All of them turned back and saw 3 cars parking.

3 unfamiliar came out of the car.

"Damn..they are fucking hot.." said Jackie.

Matthew was shocked and said, "What the hell? Are you gay? You never told us you are gay. Why did you..."

"Shut the fuck up." Matthew was rudely interrupted. "Do I look like gay to you? I am talking about the cars dumbass not the boys."


"O MY GOD, they are so hot." Lucy said and had a dreamy look on her face.

"Cars or boys? Which ..."

"WILL YOU SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH" Both Lucy and Matthew shouted on Jackie.

"They are here." Ricardo said.

"You know them?" Amelia asked him.

"Yeah two of them used to study here only, they left due to some reason. I don't know the exact reason. But one thing I am for sure is that this session is going to have many problems cause three of them reunited once again."


"In which year did you get shifted here?"

"Last, why?"

"You don't know them. They are literally a bad image. They used to trouble a lot. Rumour spread that they almost killed a boy only because he raised voice against them. We all should be careful around them. Let's go guys. Bell is going to ring. Amelia what class do you have now."

Amelia was looking at those 3 who were surrounded by girls as if some celebrity came there. "Uh..I have English."

"That means you are going in separate way." Lucy said.


"Let's go."

Amelia turned her head and looked at them again, to her surprise one of them was already looking at her. She turned back and walked with her friends.

Amelia was in her class sitting at her usual place, taking notes when necessary. She felt like someone was watching her. She looked outside but found nothing. She shrugged it off. Must be hallucinating. After few she felt it again. She was feeling uncomfortable. This time she looked behind and saw the same boy looking at him emotionlessly as if reading her mind. Amelia turned at the front. 'When did he came inside the class and why is staring at me like that? Strange human.'

Few minutes later she felt a something thrown towards her. She looked downwards and saw a crumbled paper. She took it and opened it. 'Meet me after the class...' Amelia looked back again. This time every student who was sitting behind was looking at her. She looked at the boy and saw him staring back. She narrowed her eyebrows for a few seconds...and...made her face emotionless....raised her hand.....................fisted her fingers........and.............raised her middle finger......fuck off.

The students behind her were shocked. Their faces were terrified. But the boy was amused by her behaviour. He smirked at her.

Amelia turned towards the board and ignored him. 'What does he thinks to himself? 'Meet me after the class'... Idiot. As if I will go and meet him. Ricardo was right we should stay away from him.'

Few minutes passed, another paper was thrown towards her. Amelia ignored it. She doesn't want to ruin her day because of some stranger.

Bell rung after hours, as per Amelia. She took her belongings as fast as she can to get rid of that boy. She tried to leave the class, but a hand caught her wrist before she can leave. She looked back and saw that boy holding her hand stopping her from going further.

He was 6 feet 2 inches, lean and muscular body. Undercut hairstyle. He was wearing jeans a black button up shirt with first two buttons opened and sleeves were rolled. A tattoo could be seen very little on his chest. Instead of any design something was written, only the letter 'A' was visible. Whereas Amelia was 5 feet 4 inches with a slim body. She was wearing a blue hoodie with black khaki pants. Her black hair was free on her shoulder.

Amelia tried to jerk his hand off but this act made him hold her wrist tighter. She scrunched her face in pain. Seeing her face he loosened his hold.

"Why did you ignore me?" he asked.

"Cause I want to." She replied. "It's my choice whether I will ignore you or not."

He pulled her towards him, hold her waist and bends down towards her which caused Amelia to put her hands on his chest to have some space between them. "I like it when you talk back to me, princess. You are still the same, didn't changed much. But one thing has changed, you have become more beautiful." He smiled.

"Who are you?" she whispered, "I don't even know you."

After hearing her words his smile suddenly disappeared. He was looking at her intensely.

"HEY, ALEX." Someone shouted behind her.

Both of them were looking at each other as if trying to understand something.

"Alex, what are you...." The boy suddenly stopped. "Li? O my god Li is that really you?"

Amelia looked at the boy and then at the boy named Alex. She pushed him to get away from him. She stepped back and away from them. Alex was looking at her going away.

"Why did she run like that?" The boy asked

"Nothing Arnold" Alex said. 'She doesn't remember me. Mom was right. She lost her memory.'

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