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There was once an orc who lived on the very outskirts of a village, in the depths of its nearby forest. What he lacked in wit, he made up for with aggression and brutality. His days were spent prowling the forest in search of animals to eat, and stealing livestock from neighbouring farms. Any mortal who dared to step foot in the forest was slaughtered and killed. The woods was unofficial territory of Vultog the Orc.

Until one stormy night, when an elderly lady paid him an unexpected visit.

Ratta-tat-tat. A confident fist knocked on the door of the poorly-constructed hut where Vultog resided.

From the darkness within the shack, Vultog growled. His peaceful slumber had been interrupted. "If you value your pathetic little life, you'll retreat and never return, trespasser."

The orc was alone, and a long way from the place he called home. When Jack had cut down the Beanstalk, he'd also destroyed the bridge connecting their two realms. Vultog hated humans, in the same way he depended on air to breathe. His hatred of them kept him alive, and eager for any opportunity to strike them down.


Fully awake now, Vultug sped to the shack's door and flung it open. He accidentally used too much force, tearing the door off its already-weak hinges.

"Speak your final words," the orc warned his guest.

"I come bearing the very thing you desire the most," the old woman stated calmly. Her voice was strangely soothing and easily heard despite the crashing thunder and pouring rain.

"And what exactly is it that my heart desires, O Great Mistress?" Vultog sneered, entertaining her delusions. She was braver than most mortals he'd encountered thus far - he'd give her that much. Playing with food was always fun. The sound of her screams as he tore her limb from limb, would make the meal sweeter.

"Revenge against Jack," she answered without hesitation.

Vultog tossed the hut door elsewhere, flinging it into the mud outside. "Speak quickly, before I change my mind."

He eyed the old woman, from head to toe. A flash of lightning cackled from the raging sky, illuminating the collection of wrinkles and pimples showcased on her ugly face. Raindrops hung from the tip of her pointed chin. She gave him a knowing smile, completely unafraid of the green skin, hulky build and protruding tusks belonging to the monster before her.

The old woman reached inside her soaking cloak and took out a handful of beans.

The seeds glowed an other-worldly shape of purple.

"These are the same beans from which Jack's stalk grew," she explained. "All you need to do is eat one, and the chance at revenge is yours."

Jack had stolen Vultog's gold, goose and harp. Jack was the reason Vultog was isolated and worlds away from his noble household. Jack was now unspeakably rich, whilst Vultog lived like a savage in this very forest.

The orc's anger and thirst for vengeance overshadowed reason. He snatched up all the beans, and gobbled them down. He assumed this witch had pre-programmed the beans to lead him straight to Jack's location, just like the beans had led Jack to Vultog's land. It was quicker to eat them, than wait for a new beanstalk to grow overnight. Revenge would be here soon.

During Vultog's inward musing, his guest muttered a spell under her breath. A sphere of magical energy grew in her hands and she thrust it at Vultog before he could fully question its contents.

The force of the power collided with the orc's chest shortly before he vanished!

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦


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Sucked into the wall separating the universes...

...and spat right out.

True Love's Kiss (A Slow Burn, Orc Romance)Where stories live. Discover now