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According to Chidimma, the End of the Rainbow rave had a dress theme. I was too preoccupied by the lack of multi-coloured garments in my wardrobe to be angry that Juno had broken her promise to me and attended the party.

After dumping half of my clothes on the bed, I had to pick through the articles one-by-one. My garms were mixed in with Vultog's, and I hadn't gotten round to establishing an organisation structure yet. Eventually, I discovered an unworn midaxi dress that was way too revealing. The only upside was that the plisse material blushed from lilac to orange, vaguely matching the party's rainbow-theme. It would have to do.

The rest of the outfit started coming together when I spied a black ballet pump wedged in the far corner of my wardrobe. My hunt for its twin was suspended by the trill of the apartment's buzzer. I let it ring, placing more significance on the missing shoe, which was quickly located in a forgotten shopping bag also on my closet floor.

The buzzer droned on and on.

The noise made it impossible to formulate a plan for how to rescue Juno.

I held my towel around my naked body and flounced to the hallway. Spearing my finger into the intercom button fixed to the wall, I barked, "What?!"

Whoever was on the other end had the worst timing in the world. My little sister needed me, whatever they wanted from me would have to wait.

Vultog's voice trickled through the communication system, alleviating some of my fears about the night ahead. "Rayna, it is I, Vultog. I–"

"Get in here. Now," I spoke over him and thumbed the button that would let him inside the building.

Back in my bedroom, I shimmied into the dress and put on the flat, practical shoes. Packing a light bag was more difficult. What was the typical weapon of choice when saving your sister from a drug dealer who specialised in supernatural substances? For the nth time, I cursed the UK's government for making pepper spray illegal. I grabbed my make-up bag from the bathroom counter, resolving to do my hair and make up in the car ride over to the rave.

Vultog's quiet knocks on the door kept me centred. I made a beeline for the door and jerked it open. An explanation was on the tip of my tongue, ready to be delivered succinctly, but I clammed up when I saw him.

Vultog's wide shoulders and buff shape barricaded the doorway. The haul of his chest, signalled that he was out of breath from running up the stairs. Wisps of blonde hair had escaped his ponytail and the tie that I'd helped with was balled up in his hand.

Cerulean blue irises ate up the sight of my body. The cut of my dress meant that two straps of fabric crossed over at my neck and covered my chest, leaving the area between my breasts and my entire midriff bare.

Now is not the time for this!

A muffled chime came from my bag, dousing the flames of heat licking along my skin. I unzipped my small handbag purse, in pursuit of taking out my keys. My phone screen was glowing with an app notification: a driver from the local area was waiting for me outside in their car. Shutting the door behind me, I joined Vultog in the hallway and started locking my apartment.

Vultog found his voice. Calm and in-command. "Tell me what is wrong."

"Juno needs me. Chidimma said that..." My hand was shaking so much that I had trouble holding my key with the stillness required to slide it into the door lock. My keychains shivered like clattering teeth. Now that Vultog was here, my body betrayed me, deluding herself into thinking that the problem was shared and halved because of his presence.

True Love's Kiss (A Slow Burn, Orc Romance)Where stories live. Discover now