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My desperation over finding my true love coerced me into integrating into the mortal world. The transition was by no means smooth, but I was surviving the trial by fire. My latest efforts saw me acquire my very first mobile phone, and download a dating app.

Lady Juno helped me set up a profile, so that I could connect and meet up with eligible women.

"To the left a bit!" She called out, motioning for me to step sideways.

I obliged. She gave me a thumbs up and patted Rayna on the shoulder.

I smouldered and waited for Rayna to take a photograph of me, that would go on my dating app virtual portfolio. The blaring summer sun conspired with my tensed brow, stirring up the beginnings of a throbbing headache. Tourists carelessly trickled between myself and the sisters, obstructing the view of Rayna's poised mobile phone. By the time we were finished, I was simmering with genuine indignation.

Juno ran up to me, her small backpack bobbing against her back with every stride. "I just know we got some good ones! Show us."

Rayna prowled over, repositioning her phone screen and swiping through her gallery.

Juno gushed over the photographs ruined by the pesky mortals. Apparently, the blurred effect of them walking by mid-shot, created a unique flare. Artistry and technology were neither of my strong suits, so I took her word for it.

Juno made Rayna pause on a digital portrait of me that was identical to the others. In it, I stood authoritatively against the cerulean backdrop of the sky, and the grand white limestone architecture of the tower we were visiting. The mighty Tower of London.

"Ray, this is the one. Thee photo. Dontcha think?"

"I dunno. I guess?" Rayna's face was hidden by the shade of her wide hat brim.

Juno said to me, "That means she thinks you're sexy. We're on the right track."

Rayna stuffed her phone in her handbag and strutted away. Juno was on her heels, "Send the pics to me and Vultog. For his profile."

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Our group spent the day at the Tower of London, wandering from building to building. I got the impression that Rayna had originally organised this trip some time ago, as a treat for herself and Juno only. However, her younger sister was more than happy to include my presence, and made us stop periodically just so we could take photos of me specifically.

"You need to look well-travelled on your profile," Juno described whilst trying to capture me in the same frame as a ravensmaster at work.

At some point, we found ourselves at The Bloody Tower. The name itself intrigued me, and for the first time in my life I felt excitement over the prospect of educating myself.

We entered a dim-light room and I squinted down at the information brochure. The twisted backstory printed on the papers bore loose similarities to Terraork, especially the story of 'The Princes in the Tower'.

Many centuries ago, two young princes had been imprisoned in this Bloody Tower by their own uncle. Shortly after, they vanished! Mortal scholars were in disarray over the mystery of the children's disappearance.

"Sounds like the meddling of the fae," I mentioned aloud to the Smith sister in closest proximity to me, which so happened to be Rayna.

She was fanning herself with her hat, and not listening to me. "What?"

True Love's Kiss (A Slow Burn, Orc Romance)Where stories live. Discover now