Chapter 25. Prepping for final exams

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"All right, that's it for class today, there's only one week before your final exams begin, I'm sure your all studying constantly right? Don't forget to keep training, the written exam is only one element

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"All right, that's it for class today, there's only one week before your final exams begin, I'm sure your all studying constantly right? Don't forget to keep training, the written exam is only one element. There's also the practical course to worry about. Good luck." Aizawa ended our lesson with before walking out, you hadn't done any training so far during the day, just basic lessons like English, science and maths etc and probably will until the end of the day.

A few people had started worrying about their lack of studying but not you, your aunt and present mic practically forced you to study for your exam at any chance you could get. You also did physical training with aizawa.

A large group had asked momo if they could study with her, and you considered it but you found that studying was always easier alone, or with maybe one or two other people but never a big group. So you decided that you would get your notes from home and study on the roof of a building, something you'd usually do to chill besides, aunt nem wasn't home anyway she was on patrol late again.

At the end of the school day you had gathered your things and waited for your driver to pick you up, you decided to be driven home as it would be quicker than walking and you'd have more time to study.

You and your driver made small talk. It was pretty quiet since you were focused on studying. Once you were back you ran upstairs and changed into more comfortable clothes, black leggings, a grey hoodie with a carhartt jacket over the top and your converse (or whatever else).

You grabbed a spare black back pack, put some notebooks, notes, papers, pens, some snacks etc in there and plugged your headphones into your phone, playing your playlist as you crawled out of you window, you didn't need to but you were going to be web slinging soon enough so you thought that you may aswell. Honestly, your pretty sure your not even supposed to use your quirk in public until you had a license, but that's never stopped you before.

You web slinged yourself higher and higher until you couldn't anymore and sat yourself atop the roof.

After a few hours of reading, writing and quizzing yourself, the sun had started to set and it was a little dark out, you decided to go back.

You crawled down from the building and when you got to ground stood on your two feet, now walking it had started to rain with the clouds darkening and people started to clear off of the street, not that it was that busy anyway.

You continued to walk until your spidey senses tingled and you could tell something was wrong. You stopped in your tracks, and where had you stopped infront of? A dark alley way. Of course you did. In the distance you saw glowing purple illuminating off a black outfit.

(Iykyk😈 naw but this is why we need btsv already💔)

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(Iykyk😈 naw but this is why we need btsv already💔)

'There ain't no way' you thought to yourself as you continued to walk, well only to the other side of the alley way where you turned yourself invisible and climbed up the wall to look down on it, but nothing was there, you made yourself visible again and sighed, you 'must have just been tired from studying' you told yourself.

You went to jump off the roof when you heard clanks of metal behind you,

"Are you being for real? Is someone down there?" You asked now, annoyed from whoever this was, you jumped off the roof into the alley and landed on your feet.

A gush of wind blew past you,

"You know who I am." A deep Puerto Rican voice stated lowly as he passed you. Only then to disappear again before you could see him. He was definitely the same age as you, and there was something.. familiar about his voice.

When it came down to the written exam you were confident, everything went fine for you but you couldn't shake the feeling of being followed by this boy, how did you know him? Who was he? Why has you forgotten who he was? Why did he speak to you? What was going on. You were just trying to forget about it though.

You didn't tell anyone about the encounter, maybe that was stupid but you just decided not too. Aizawa collected the sheets and the three days of written exams were over.

Now the next training was practical. And tomorrow you'd go to the Center Plaza Practical Exam Area.

You weren't sure what the practical exam was but you'd find out tomorrow, you decided to distract yourself and train with your aunt nem when you arrived home. She wouldn't tell you what it was but she was more then happy to train with you.

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