Chapter 30

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After our phonecall I couldn't wait to see Reneé again. I made some changes into my schedule to surprise Reneé at her concerts. We hadn't seen eachother for 2,5 weeks.

It was a night of excitement and anticipation as I made my way to Reneé's concert venue, heart pounding with nervous energy and a sense of mischief. I had concocted a plan to surprise her during her set, and I couldn't wait to see the look on her face when she spotted me in the crowd.

Before leaving, I quickly made an excuse over the phone, ensuring that Reneé wouldn't suspect a thing when I went radio silent for the next few hours. With my cover story in place, I joined the throngs of fans gathering at the venue, blending in seamlessly with the excited chatter and palpable anticipation.

As Reneé took the stage, bathed in the warm glow of the spotlight, I felt a surge of pride welling up inside me. She was a vision of beauty and talent, commanding the attention of everyone in the room with her magnetic presence.

Throughout her set, I watched as Reneé scanned the audience, her eyes lighting up with each new sign she spotted in the crowd. It was a tradition of hers to acknowledge her fans in this way, and I couldn't resist the opportunity to join in the fun.

So, with a mischievous grin, I held up my sign for Renée to see. I knew she wouldn't be able to resist a playful challenge, and I couldn't wait to see her reaction.

As Renée scanned the crowd, her eyes alighted on the bold letters of my sign, and a playful smirk tugged at the corners of her lips. "May I join you backstage?" she read aloud, her voice carrying over the hum of the audience. "Well, isn't that a tempting offer?"

The crowd erupted into laughter, egging her on as she played along with the impromptu exchange. "As much as I'd love to have you back there," she continued, her tone laced with faux regret, "I'm afraid I have to stick to the rules. But I appreciate the offer!"

Her response elicited a chorus of playful groans and cheers from the audience, their enthusiasm adding to the electric atmosphere of the concert hall. 

Undeterred, I flipped the sign over, revealing the words "Are you sure about that, Love?" And in smaller letters "I can make it worth your while" I knew she would have to respond and I couldn't resist teasing her a little, adding a touch of playful banter to the evening's festivities.

Reneé's expression shifted from amusement to surprise as she read the words, her eyes narrowing in playful defiance. "Oh, I see how it is," she quipped, her voice tinged with mock indignation. "Trying to charm your way backstage, are we?"

The crowd erupted into laughter once again, caught up in the playful banter between Reneé and I, But amidst the lighthearted jesting, I could see the glimmer of recognition in Reneé's eyes, most her fans say 'baby', but I was the only one calling her 'love'.

"Can you put the light of the audience on please?"

And then, the lights flickered on, illuminating the sea of faces. With a mischievous sparkle in her gaze, Reneé scanned the audience, her eyes locking with mine. The joy and surprise that lit up her face mirrored my own. With a smile that spoke volumes, Reneé acknowledged my presence, her eyes sparkling with excitement and affection.

After a few seconds Reneé spoke again towards the crowd. "I have to make an acception guys, because this fan is looking very cute" she blew me a kiss and went back to performing. 

After the show I went back to her changing room waiting for her to get back. In the meantime I decided to take a picture of the front of the sign and post it to my insta story with the text. "She really does love her fans".

A few minutes later Reneé entered her changing room. When she saw me she ran into my arms.

"Surprise" I whispered into her ear.

"I can't believe you're here," she murmured, her voice filled with genuine happiness.

"I couldn't miss your concert," I replied, pulling back slightly to look into her eyes. "You were absolutely incredible out there."

A blush crept onto Renée's cheeks at the compliment, and she smiled shyly. "Thank you," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "It means a lot to have you here."

I reached out to brush a stray strand of hair from her face, my heart swelling with affection. "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else," I admitted, feeling a rush of warmth at the sincerity of my words.

"Y/N, that sign you had... 'May I join you backstage?' What was that all about?" she asked, a playful twinkle in her eyes.

I chuckled, feeling a rush of warmth at the memory. "Well, I wanted to surprise you, but I also wanted to have a little fun with it," I admitted, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

Reneé's laughter rang out, filling the air with its infectious joy. "You certainly succeeded in that," she replied, her smile widening. "I was genuinely surprised when I saw it."

I shrugged, unable to suppress my own grin. "I figured you were going to respond to it" I explained.

Reneé shook her head in amusement, her eyes sparkling with affection. "You're full of surprises, Y/N," she said, her voice filled with fondness.

I reached out to take her hand in mine, relishing the warmth of her touch. "I just wanted surprise you" I confessed, my heart swelling with emotion.

Renée squeezed my hand gently, her gaze softening. "Well, you certainly succeeded," she replied, her voice filled with gratitude.

Then Reneé got a playful grin on her face "so... Will it be worth my while"

"It definitely will be" I responded pulling her back in for a kiss.


I really enjoyed writing this. I hope you enjoyed it as well!!

And it looks like the next book will be about Reneé x band member y/n (drummer). I will figure out a storyline/timeline. So when this story is finished I will be ready for the new one.

I think this story will have around 5 more chapters??

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