Act 1: The beginning

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[Monika is thinking to herself.]
Monika: “I've been having these strange dreams lately. Strange, to the point that I can't even remember what they were about. All I know is that I always see myself in a dark void and someone in front of me.”

[She sighs out loud.]

“Whatever. It must've been something I ate.”

[She walks downstairs to the living room to find her housemate, CJ, lying on the couch like the lazy bum he is.]

[Monika sighs once again, loud enough for CJ to hear.]
Monika: "Again? This is the third time this week, CJ. At least help around the house somewhat instead of just sitting around thinking everything is great."

CJ: "Hey! I’ve already got plenty of stuff done here! At least ask before you make any assumptions."

[Monika thinks.]

Monika: “CJ is an odd type, to be honest. He usually acts arrogant and egotistical like he is right now, but it wasn’t always like that. I remember how he always talked about his girlfriend, even when nobody asked. He‘d also bring her to the house weekly, despite us telling him not to. He's changed a lot since then. He rarely talks about her anymore and never brings her to visit. His behavior has become more distant and aloof, and it feels like he's hiding something. He's not the same person he used to be. He’s been crying often. It seems like his girlfriend did something that caused him to break up with her, which could explain the sudden shift in his behavior. He may be feeling overwhelmed with heartbreak and loneliness, and as a result, acting in an arrogant and egotistical way to help cope with the pain. But he's 20. He can handle it, right?"

[She speaks to CJ again.]
Monika: "Well, just tell me beforehand so I don't assume things."

Ruby: "Monika's right, you know. There will always be more things to do. If you insist on getting some work done around here, just let us know after."

CJ: "Aw, come on, not you too! I'm serious! I'm not as lazy as you think.”

[CJ sighs and speaks in a more solemn tone.]

CJ: “I’ve just been thinking a lot and…I sincerely regret my life decisions. I don't believe you'll ever forgive me for what I've done, not after what Vade has done to me."
[He looks away, trying to hide his solemn expression.]
Ruby looks over at CJ and speaks sympathetically.

Ruby: “I’m sorry CJ, I had no idea.”

[She picks up a letter from the table beside her, and her tone changes to be more light-hearted as she turns to Monika.]

Ruby: “Hey Monika, I found this in our mailbox."

Monika: “Really? But I didn’t order anything.”

Ruby: "I don’t know. All I know is that it’s got your name on it. It could be important."

[Monika opens the letter and reads its content. "You have been chosen to be a part of this year's Renaissance ceremony. Visit the Renaissance Church for gifted saints for more information." The letter says.]

Ruby: "I thought it might've been a subscription for some sort of yearly event, but I'm not sure what it's about. Whether they want you to participate or that your entry has been approved. If that's the case, then it probab-”

[The entry door shuts, and Ruby looks around, noticing Monika’s gone.]

Ruby: “Monika?”

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