Act 3: No Turning back

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[After the song.]

Sarv: “That was a nice duet between the 2 of us, wasn’t it?”

Monika: “Yeah, I guess.”

[Suddenly, another figure approaches the two of them. Sarvente recognizes him instantly and runs up to him.]

Sarv: “Ruv! I’m so glad you made it. What took you so long?”

Ruv: “I had little time to get here, but fortunately, despite your directions, I made it here with no potential mistakes.”

[Monika looks at Ruv with a quizzical expression.]

Monika: “I can’t understand what you’re saying through your thick accent, but that’s okay!”

Sarv: “Ruv, I didn’t mean for you to be late. The Renaissance is about to start in a few minutes. Actually, we must start the ceremony now!”

Monika: “Wait, now!?”

Sarv: “Yes! If we don’t, we’ll be too late. Everyone, to your positions!”

[The suddenness of it all startles Monika. She’s new to the whole Renaissance ceremony thing. She doesn’t know what to do.]

Monika: “What am I supposed to do?”

Sarv: “You’re the one who’s choosing the broken past that you want to fix, who to revive.”

Monika: “I have to decide whose life I want to restore!? But what if I don’t know who to choose?“

Sarv: “I’m sure you’ll think of someone during the ceremony.”

[The clock chimes 11pm.]

Sarv: “It is time. Everyone, gather around!”

[The three of them gather around the middle of the room, forming a semicircle. As they sit on the floor, Sarvente lights candles in the center. She then sits back down and begins the ceremony. She speaks out a chant in fluent Latin, summoning the portal to the afterlife. Monika is amazed by this. She could’ve never imagined what it would have in store for her. Sarvente signals Monika to enter the portal, to Monika’s surprise. She gets up and enters hesitantly. The afterlife is nothing more than an empty void. Monika wanders around in the ample space.]

Monika: “What is this place?”

[She continues to wander; the empty afterlife scares her. Suddenly she comes across a dead husk on her path.]

???: “....”

Monika: "Wha… what are you?"

[The husk speaks.]

???: "I'M….DEAD…."

[Monika’s face is blank as she speaks to the husk.]

Monika: “Uh… I’m not sure what that’s supposed to mean.”

[Suddenly, Monika hears the voice of Sarv.]

Sarv: “Let me introduce you to who you’ve found. His name is Gold. Well, that’s not his actual name to be exact. He is known as 'Gold' because of his golden heart, always willing to help those in need. His real name was Ethan Liang. He’s a former Pokémon trainer who could’ve been the Pokémon champion with all the gym badges and every Pokémon he owned on his Pokedex. He was a talented yet humble person who always put others before himself. He was always helping out people and Pokémon alike. He was a true champion in heart and soul. He just had to defeat the true Pokémon master, Red.”

[Monika responds sarcastically.]

Monika: “I’m guessing those two got along well."

Sarv: “Well, no. Red left him on Mount Silver to die in the cold."

Monika: “He did WHAT!?”

Sarv: “Yeah, those were some dark times, especially for Ethan. He was only 18 years old when he died. He’s been in the afterlife for as long as we know, hoping someone finds him."

[Monika isn’t sure how to feel about this anymore. This guy has been going through all these awful things. He could have achieved so much more. But the world backstabbed him. He was forever alone with no hope. Monika speaks in a solemn tone.]

Monika: "Listen, Ethan. I’m sorry you had to go through all that. I haven’t got anything I wanted. Let’s just say that some dreams go astray, and you just give up chasing them.” 

[Sarvente's words echo in Monika's head. “I believe you’ll find someone who deserves a second chance.” Which gives Monika an idea.]

Monika: “I can get you out of this place. If that’s what you want.”

[She reaches out her hand. She realizes, however, that Ethan doesn’t have arms. She places her hand on his shoulder.]

Monika: “You deserve a second chance.”

[Her gesture of kindness spoke louder than words, conveying to him that she believed in his potential for a brighter future. Monika picks up Gold and looks up to the portal entrance, where she sees Sarvente.]

Monika: “Sarv, I’ve made my decision. I’m ready to go back now.”

[Sarvente gladly helps Monika out of the portal and back to the real world.]

Sarv: “A wise decision you have made, miss…?”

Monika: “Monika. I haven’t gotten the chance to introduce myself yet.”

[Monika places Gold down on the marble floor.]

Monika: “I think I’m ready for the next half of the ceremony now.”

Sarv: “Alright, Miss Monika. Shall I begin?”

[Monika looks back down at Gold.]

Monika: “Yeah. I just hope it’ll make him feel better. Besides, look at what his past did to him. He didn’t deserve any of that.”

Gold: ……THANK YOU……

[Ruv takes off his hat, holding it in his hands.]

Ruv: Whatever happens, I must not cry. You cannot make me cry.

[As Sarvente speaks an unintelligible incantation, Monika and Gold are suddenly up in the air. Monika nervously looks down at Sarvente and then looks back up at Gold. Suddenly she’s filled with a sense of calm and closes her eyes. While her eyes are closed, she sees her life flash before her eyes until her mind suddenly stops at one specific memory. Finally, her eyes open, and she sees a glowing light in front of her, moving down to Gold’s body. It touches his body and fills the entire room with light. Monika is standing on the ground again when she opens her eyes. She looks around for Gold and sees him looking down at his hands, confused about having his body back. She stays in her place, feeling slightly weaker than before but happy for him. Sarvente slowly walks up to Monika, very calm about the situation.]

Friday Night Funkin' Paradox: Renaissance ARCWhere stories live. Discover now