with your love (niall horan fanfic)

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chapter one


-Nialls pov-

"ok bye mate see you tomorrow" I said to harry while giving him a manly hug. I was extremely tired and needed some serious sleep now that we were about to start the take me home tour. while walking to my car I noticed louis and elenour( idk how to spell it there are so many different ways to spell it) leaning against his car making out, they looked extremely happy and it just reminded me of how lonely it was to be single especially when most of your mates had girlfriends but i was still happy for them.

"hey lou might want to calm down there dont ya think" I screamed across the parking lot with a smile on my face even from a distance I could see an embarrased smile on lou and elenour's face.

"not really mate I was having quite a fun time before you ruined it dont you have someplace else to be" he said not really pleased I ruined their little moment.

"good point bye guys use protection nice seeing you elenour love ya" I waved and hopped into my car I was pretty happy it was late or the studio would have been crowded with fans and im not in the mood to deal with the fans right now i love them but i was just too damn tired to please them. I drove away almost drifting off to sleep a few times but didnt take it into consideration because I was only a few blocks from my flat. I was driving down a deserted road and slowly my eyes started to close and I was awoken by a loud car horn and the first thing I saw were two bright lights in front of me and just like that everything went black.



well guys this is my first fanfiction ever so if i dont update dont complain and also i dont know if im bad go ahead and critisice because if im bad i can only get better with your help so dont feel bad if i need to improve something feedback appretiated so please just let me know what you think- alyssa

with your love (niall horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now