Chapter 1

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Strategic Arsenal Tactics Center, or SATC, is a facility based in ▉▉▉▉▉▉▉, America, secluded in the plains. A person would have to drive at least an hour to the facility if they lived in the city nearby. It is well known for being the only tactical center in America, or even the entire world that uses teleportation devices for access to the combat areas. One combat area could be in the facility itself, while another is in a completely different country around the globe. The people who fight in the SATC, or as the facility calls them: Operatives, fight from morning to afternoon. Despite how tiring it sounds, the "Operatives" get 30-minute longs breaks after each round to help with their focus and wake themselves up. They just need to wake up... so that once they wake up....


                         "...Wake up! Hey! Wake up you lazy ass!"

The sound of Eric's sister yelling at him to get up rang through his groggy mind as he stirred in his bed. He didn't have the time, nor energy to care about whatever his sister Amanda was trying to get him to do. Amanda tore the blanket that was covering Eric off in a swift movement. Eric shuddered as the warmth of his blanket was torn away from him, replacing the warmth with the coldness of the air of his room.

"Amanda, what the hell is up with you?" Eric groggily yelled.

"Haven't you forgotten already? today is our first day of working at the Arsenal place!" Amanda yelled back. She was already dressed. She had her blue jacket on, laced shoes, and her black jeans? Yoga pants? It was a mix of both.

Eric shot up from his bed, his face filled with surprise and shock, his tiredness immediately fading away. "IT IS?!?" Eric screamed.

"YES! It's like an hour drive away, and it starts at 9:00!" Amanda yelled. It was 8:10 AM. They would be 10 minutes late, which is somewhat bad, but not end of the world bad. But to the siblings, It was a major delay.

"Shit!" Eric swore. He jumped out of his bed, hastily put his layered blue shirts on, and his pair of jeans. Meanwhile, Amanda was in her room, putting her ponytail up. Eric then ran to the bathroom, and aggressively brushed his teeth so hard that it would've gave him gum damage.

Once all of the insanity that is getting ready was done, the siblings ran to Eric's car. They knew that taking both of their cars would be a waste of time, because they could get stuck in traffic and lanes, and one would always show up later than the other. Eric sat down in the driver's seat, while Amanda was in the passenger seat. Eric started his car and began to drive out of the parking lot.

The rest of the drive was them arguing about how late they were gonna be, and just basic sibling drama. Eventually, they calmed down.

An hour later, they finally arrived to the Strategic Arsenal Tactics Center. the building was large and white. Its large logo was plastered on one of the walls of the facility. It was surrounded by guard towers, barbed wire, and a gate for cars to go through. With all of the safety stuff, it looked more like a prison than a tactical center. It was a bit intimidating for the siblings, but they didn't really mind it that much.

Once they drove to the gate, there was a scanner besides where a car would normally sit in front of a gate. Since Eric and Amanda were already accepted and registered for the job, they had their identifications on their phone. Eric pulled up the identifications on his phone and scanned them on the scanner. The scanner beeped, and a light on the top of it turned green, and the scanning screen had a green check mark on it. Eric put his phone back into his pocket, and heard the gates click. Once the gates opened, he drove through the gates and into the parking lot.

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