The first match

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All of Delinquent's senses seemingly vanished while he was teleporting, with the exception of his sense of sight. All he could see was pure bright blue. Eventually, he, and everyone else in his team spawned in to the beach. Delinquent, Rabblerouser, and a majority of their team spawned in on a wooden dock. The other people unfortunately spawned in the water due to how many people were on the dock. In front of him were power lines, palm trees, beach towels and umbrellas. Behind those were little shops and stairs between each shop. Behind the shops were fancy looking apartment buildings. The sky was pink and orange with little to no clouds. Delinquent thought it could be a sunset, or a sunrise. He couldn't tell because of the time difference.

Delinquent felt something bulky and cold in his hand. He looked down to see what he was holding. It was a Colt M1911. Familiarity washed over Delinquent as he looked at the gun. He used the same exact model during target practice in preparation for this new job. He looked over at Rabblerouser, who was right next to him. She was holding a mere water balloon. "The fuck?" Delinquent swore in his mind. "Why are water balloons here when everyone else has guns? She stands NO chance against that!"

"Alright!" A man with a military beret, short sleeves, a bulletproof vest, and jeans yelled out. "The guys on the left, run to the green building and spread out. Guys on the right, run to the entrance of the dock house or the sand castle! You all should know this by now!" He commanded to the team. Since the siblings were both on the right, they both ran to the sand castle.

The castle was made out of sandstone slabs. It was medium sized, but was still pretty large compared to everyone. Once the siblings and many others went inside, there was nothing except for two ladders that were propped against two walls that led to the top of the sand castle. There was another large entrance so that people from the dock can get out, and the people from the shops can get in. Almost everyone ran out of the sand castle with their guns drawn out.

Just then, Delinquent heard the sound of a semi-automatic shotgun firing directly towards him. Immediately after that, a whole slew of gunfire from both of the teams bursted out. The sounds of the gunfire rang in his ears as he ran to one of the ladders and tried to climb up them.


Delinquent felt four bullets penetrate his back and exit out of his abdomen. He screamed in pain before falling from the ladder with a loud thud. Delinquent quickly grabbed the gun from his pocket and turned over to face the man who shot him. The man was wearing a red sleeveless shirt with a black spandex suit that covered his whole body underneath, except for his head. The man was bald, and his head was completely yellow. He was holding an Itratec Tec-9. Delinquent aimed his gun to the man's head, placed his finger on the trigger, and shot the man directly between his eyes.

The man died immediately before falling on his back with a thud, blood and brain matter splattering on the sandstone slabs behind him. Because of the bullet and the place he was shot in, his eye grotesquely popped out of his socket. The blood was quickly pouring and splurting out of the wound, which poured down his face and pooled on the ground, staining the dirt below. His body twitched and convulsed for a couple of seconds before his body disappeared, replacing it with a green jar with a white plus sign on it, and a wooden box with two yellow straps that held the box together with medical supplies inside. The blood was still there.

Delinquent's gun changed, replacing his M1911 with the Tec-9 that the man was using. Delinquent wrapped his arm around where he was shot and stumbled to the supplies, coughing up a bit of blood in the process. He knelt down on the floor, hastily unscrewed the green jar's cap open, and chugged the liquid down. It tasted like grape flavored medicine mixed in with pepto bismol (Which both of them taste like absolute shit).

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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