Gabriel {2}

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You couldn't believe you had to go to someplace called the mystery spot with the Winchesters. You had a feeling something was going to happen but quickly dismissed it.
"Ready guys"Dean asked
"Yeah"You said sounding bored
Just as you walked in the mystery spot some guy shot Dean. You woke up the next morning listening to 'Angel with a shotgun' By the Cab just like yesterday morning. You looked at Sam who looked confused too. Dean was alive and well.
You guys went to the same diner and Dean crossed the road and got ran over by the guy who shot him. You woke up again listening to the same song and Sam looked scared.
"What the hell"Sam whispered to you
"I don't know"You whispered back
Dean died about a million more times.
You were sitting in the diner and just before you elft you saw a guy had strawberry syrup not maple like all the other times. You had enough. You trapped the guy while Sam and Dean were at the Diner still.
"Seriously Trickster"You asked him with a stake at his neck. He smirked and had a lollipop in his mouth.
"Just need to teach Sam that Dean is his weakness"The Trickster said
"What about me huh"You asked
His lollipop disappeared and his arms wrapped around your waist and before you could do anything his lips were on yours. You didn't know what to do, you had liked him for a long time so you deepened the kiss and heard the stake drop to the ground. Your hands tangled in his hair and his hands traveling up and down your back. Soon you guys pulled away panting heavily.
"I'm done I swear"He said leaning his forehead on yours and kissed your nose
"Sam looked ready to cry anyway"You said and kissed him once more and left before the Brothers got suspicious

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