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Nunew knows that voice, it's Yim. He quickly opens his eyes and push Zee's body away, he looks at the door to find Yim and Max standing outside. Nunew turns his face to Zee and found Zee smirking at him.

"Suprise!" says Zee smirking and moving his eyebrows up and down. Nunew's jaw dropped when he realized he just got trapped into Zee's game.


"I-i-it was a mistake, Yim. Don't believe it" Nunew panicked of course, he babbled everything so Yim will believe him eventhough the evidence are crystal clear.

"How could I not believe it? You were literally making out with Zee! I thought you said you didn't like him!" Yim doesn't know what to say, there's too much information coming to him.

"I DIDN'T and I'm STILL NOT liking him, it's just a mistake" says Nunew who still insist, "Now we have to go" says Nunew as he walking out the janitor room and grabbing Yim's wrist as they walking out from there.

Zee walks out from the janitor toom and give high-five to Max, "The plan is succeed" says Zee as he still smirking.

*Flashback few hours earlier*

Zee come over to Max who is in leasure at the base camp, "Max, i have an idea to get my revenge" says Zee as he sitting on the bean bag beside Max.

"How?" replies Max as he gulps a can of coke.

"I will take Nunew's to a janitor room and make out with him there" says Zee so demanding.

Max burst his coke from his mouth, "What?!"

"Yes, and i need your help"

Max still unsure with Zee's request, "What exactly am I helping you with?"

"So Nunew usually will be having lunch with the dance club, right? When i successfully drag Nunew from there, in 10 minute, you my friend spill a drink near their table and you need to get a mop from the janitor room. But the most important thing is you need to get Yim by your side when you grab the mop" explains Zee in details which amazed Max, like how he think of this plan?

"I guess, I'll try my best???" Zee is Max's best friend, right? So it's normal thing when best friend helps each other, eventhough the plan is kinda mischievous.

"Good" Zee taps on Max's shoulder "This is going to be so much fun" says Zee as a smirk showing on his face.

*End of flashback*

"Your plan is sick, guess there will be gossip circulating around tomorrow" says Max as he nudged Zee's arm.

"Yeah and I can't wait to hear it" says Zee as he still can see Yim and Nunew arguing from here.


The next day

Nunew prepared himself for today because what happened yesterday WILL BE a hot topic around the uni, and he have expected this. Even if he has already explain to Yim that what happened yesterday was a misunderstanding but Yim still doesn't believe what he's saying since the proof was literally in front if his eyes. What Nunew is going to do now is to meet the one who caused this chaos, Zee.

As he walks through the hallway, people are looking at him  whispering 'That's Nunew that shagged Zee yesterday at the janitor's'. This is what Nunew hate about gossiping, eventhough he likes to gossip as well, because people would always add more 'spice' into the original story. He didn't SHAGGED Zee, Zee persuaded him first and then things happens.....BUT NOT THE SHAGGING.

Nunew drags his feet to where Zee's hangout, the basketball's base camp. It's lunch time so probably Zee still there. Nunew stood in front of the iconic red door then opens the door without even knocking it.

"I need to talk with your captain, alone" says Nunew loudly as he opens the door. Zee who's just finished his quick shower just smiles as he rubs his wet hair with his towel. All of the people, except Zee and Nunew, quickly moves their foot and leaves the room.

"What is it, kitty?" says Zee standing in front of grumpy Nunew.

"I fucking hate you, Zee. There's gossip that i shagged with you, WE DID NOT SHAG" replies Nunew angrily at Zee.

"But you do like my kiss, don't you?" Zee moves his eyebrows up and down making Nunew more irritated.

Nunew clicks his tongue, "Tsk, Do not change the topic, i want you to CLEAR THOSE THINGS UP"

Zee shrugs his shoulder, "It can't be undone babe, plus Yim and Max already saw us making out so...." says Zee calmly, of course, because he wasn't bother by the rumours at all.

Nunew clenches his jaw as he holding back his anger, "Fuck YOU!" Nunew pointing his finger at Zee's face.

Zee chuckles, "Oh come on, don't be so grumpy" Zee moves his hands to grab Nunew's waist but Nunew see that coming and quickly dodge it.

"You touch me, and i'll break your legs" says Nunew furiously with his deathly gaze.

Zee grows smile on his face, "But you like my touch" says Zee as he finally snatched Nunew's waist on his hand and brings it closer to him.

Nunew doesn't want Zee to TOUCH him but his body says different things — he just let Zee rubs his hand on his waist.

Zee just smirk as Nunew didn't resist, "Look..seems like someone doesn't mind at all when i touch him" teases Zee that quickly got death glare from Nunew.

"Shut the hell up" Nunew sighed in annoyance.

Zee teases Nunew by poking his chin with his one finger, "Don't be so feisty, kitty. I know you want me, so let's make this into reality"

Nunew snaps Zee's finger from his chin, "What reality?"

"Me and you, together" utters Zee as he showing his smoldering face that disgust Nunew.

Nunew shows his disgusted face when Zee said that, "Are you out of your mind?"

"It can be good. The gossip will be gone cause we are actually together" explains Zee that actually doesn't make any sense.

"That's bullshit, there must be some other way" Nunew shook his head as he doesn't agree with THIS.

"There's no other way, I'm your only way out of this" replies Zee with such a confident.

Nunew scoffs, "You think you're worthy for me? I have high standards" says Nunew as he staring at Zee's eyes, trying to intimidate him.

But Zee doesn't feel intimidated at all, he stares back at Nunew and moves closer to his face, "Kitty, I am your standards" whispers Zee in front of Nunew's face, Nunew even can feel Zee's breath on his face showing how close they are.

"From now on, you're my boyfriend" Zee quickly stole a kiss on Nunew's lips, "I'll see you later" says Zee with a smile then he left Nunew there dumbfounded. Nunew clenched his palm as his pink cheeks getting red like a tomato, looks like someone is shy but doesn't want to admit it😌



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