1: A plane to...Space?

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Startled, you accidentally threw your book. It flew across your bedroom and landed with a thud on the gray carpet.

"I'm in my bedroom~!" Loudly, you shout back. With a groan you clamber off your bed. You make your way over to the book and pick it up.

"Come on! We're gonna be late for our flights!"

You can practically see your mom standing at the doorway to the house, keys jingling in her hand as she taps her foot impatiently.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," Muttering to yourself, You grab your red carry on bag and pull up the handle of your red suitcase.

With a sigh, you give one glance at the book you had been reading. "Well Hunter, I guess we'll have to find out later where you take your crew next."

Speaking to the bandanna man on the cover, you slip the book into your bag and pull the zipper shut. Hopefully you would have plenty of time to finish it on the flight. After all Florida was pretty far from Massachusetts.

Minutes later you are following your mom through the busy airport terminal. Voices crackle over the intercom, people scurry about. Suitcase wheels hum as they are rolled around.

Clutching your bag tighter over your shoulder, you glance around with wide eyes. This would be your first time going to Florida-first time flying-first time in an airport in fact.

You had to admit as outgoing as you were, the homeschool book worm inside you now felt intimated yet also peaked by the scent of the adventure that might come.

"Come on Y/N," Mom scolds as she tightens her grip on her black purse. She motions for you to follow her over to the TSA Check in line.

Rolling your eyes, you follow behind her, avoiding stepping into a stroller. Apparently even though you were Y/A, your mom still thought you would get lost.

"Hey watch out!"

Abruptly you bump into something. Your bag falls off your suitcase and hits the ground, the contents pouring out.

"Sorry Miss,"

You hastily bend down and begin picking up the objects. Another hand reaches for the book you had been reading.

Looking up you see a brown-haired man wearing a long brown trench coat. Glancing at the book, he seems to be examining it. "Oh,, sorry," noticing you waiting, he hands the book over. "Are you enjoying this book?" His voice has a hint of an accent you can't identify.

"Yes," You nod. "It makes me feel as if I'm there alongside the Batch, going on a mission."

The man in front of your smiles. "Books tend to do that don't they?" he tilts his head. "Sometimes it is hard to detect the truth in them that always exists."

Muling over the man's words, you slip the book into your red bag. "I guess so. Have you ever read this book..." Your voice trails off as you look up to see the man has disappeared.

"Huh," scanning the crowds, you are unable to pick him out. So, with a shrug, you shoulder your red bag more carefully this time, and make your way to the TSA line.

A few minutes later you have made it through and are on your way toward the gates.

"Gate 3A to Echo Florida, now boarding," an attendant announces over the speakers. "Final boarding."

"Shoot," Now you are running...well walk, running as you have a suitcase and a bag. Your gate was 3A!

Craning your eyes forward, you spot the sign with "3A" on it. You Sigh in relief as you run up to the attendant who is about to shut the platform door.

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