Travis Smith (from book im writing also) ⚠️mentions addiction slightly⚠️

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Name: Travis smith

Age: 12 (birthday right before school starts )

Gender: male

Hair color: a curly blonde

Eye color: bright blue eyes

Backstory: Travis is the friend of Magnus chase and lives at the homeless home as Magnus likes to call it. How did Travis end up there? Was it because of his parents dying like for Magnus? No, Travis ran away from home when he was 5 years old due to his parents doing dr*gs and over using alcoh*l. The police had tried looking for him for quite a couple years but they could never find him since he was amazing at keeping secrets and staying hidden. One day when he was 8/9 years old he found the homeless home and decided to stay there till the cops would eventually make him have to leave but they never came, the police had given thinking he was dead. Magnus and Alex basically became his parents though they were more kinder and way more wanting HIM not his skills to sneak stuff in. But sometimes he would hear Alex and Magnus talking about a hotel which made him think that they were moving but echoing time they realized that he had heard comforted him. He also has anger issues which made going to school, which Alex begrudgingly made him go to, harder since many students from all classes kindergarten to 12th grade hated him for his short temper and the teachers would do anything about it so he just stood his own ground, didn't let anyone push him around, and used the things Alex taught him.

Fears: overusing stuff, pineapples (allergic ), people leaving, getting hurt, caring too much.

Likes: fire, food, PE, running, talking, friends, hiding behind a happy mask, fighting, boxing, and falafel but with cinnamon on it though Magnus finds it weird.

Dislikes: addicts, bullies, teachers, school, learning, hiding behind a happy mask, meditation, talking about feelings, pineapples.

Disabilities: ADHD (not diagnosed), anger issues, PTSD

Good at: fighting, sneaking, stealing, lying, running, fighting, fake swearing.

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