Furry Au: Berry Picking

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William padded up the marble steps onto his front porch, mumbling tired words and pulling his house keys from his trouser pockets; the blazing sun was driving his nerves mad. Goodness, he disliked hot weather, nothing about it was pleasing. It wasn't comfortable, you felt gross after a while from it, and being thirsty was the worst thing.

He sighed heavily and wiped the sweat from his forehead, reaching over to unlock his front door. But the key wouldn't budge in.

His door was already unlocked.

Well, that's strange. He'd swear he locked it when he went to the supermarket.

"You look startled." A sudden voice said in the darkness, jump-scaring William.

"Vince? What are you doing in here with all the lights off??" William squeaked, greeting his best friend as he flipped the light switch.

Vincent grinned cheekily and gave him a half shrug, "I wanted to surprise you, but then I realized you weren't home, so I just waited for you."

William stared at him profusely for a few more seconds before exhaling, "Okay... well, I was going to cook something when I got here.."

Vincent playfully rolled his eyes, "Yes I know that, you have the same schedule literally everyday."

".. And I'm now wondering what you would like me to cook?" He added on.

"Fruit salad? Maybe some fried berries.." Vincent pondered, "Or maybe-"

William interrupted him, "Don't flirt with me right now."

Vincent snorted and wagged his tail, watching William lay down his traveler bag before heading into the kitchen to put the groceries away.

"Also uhm, I see you have lots of fruit!" Vincent suddenly brought up oddly.

William turned around and raised an eyebrow at him, "Yeah..? Yeah I do.."

"And you know how expensive they are these days." He pouted flakily.


"Therefore I was wondering-"

William interrupted him again, "Did you really come all this way to steal all my food because you're poor?"

"No! No.. no no no.. it's not like that." Vincent quickly denied his claim, giving a foxy smile.

"Well, you know what? We live in the rural, you go outside? There's a whole forest Vince, and you know what's in the forest?? Bushes. And you know what's in bushes? Berries."


That silly little argument was the cause of why he was now in the forest, in the annoying hot weather, with his odd obsessive friend, picking dam berries.

"Is it possible any of them are poisonous?" Vincent asked him, picking some raspberries from a dying bush and dropping them into their fruit basket.

"Definitely, we are in the wild." William nodded then spotted some blueberries, but didn't bother to take them as they were still a bit green.

"Well, how do I tell if it's bad?" He huffed, plucking some more raspberries off the bush and tossing the rotten ones to the floor.

William reflected over what he knew, tapping his fingers against his own basket. "From what I've known, you can smash the berry across your arm, and wait for about five minutes. If its juice causes irritation, then it's probably poisonous."

Vincent just gave him a flat stare, "Uhm, are there any quicker ways..?"

"White, yellow, and green berries are the ones you should avoid, and red ones have a half and half chance of being poisonous." William informed the wolf, finding a better batch of fully ripe blueberries.

Vincent nodded in understanding and went back to searching, most of the berries he had found so far were red, or not fully ripe. Even some of them were rotten and dead, something he definitely wouldn't want to ever eat.

Finally, as they walked deeper into the rows upon rows of pine trees, Vincent found a ripe batch of blackberries. Their stems were green and luscious, the berries gave a dark purple hue, shining under the sunlight, and they were soft but firm.

Vincent was careful not to accidentally prick himself by the stem's thorns and dropped the black berries into his fruit basket. He was close to full now, and already noticed William's basket filled to the brim.

"Let's head back now, the sun's about to set." William suddenly spoke, watching golden hues form above the horizon.

Vincent agreed with a nod, before approaching the rabbit.

"Wait but first, open your mouth." Vincent gave his usual cheeky grin.

"Hm? Okay." William slowly gaped open his mouth, trusting Vincent without second thought.

Vincent reached over to tug his cheek before plopping a small object inside his mouth, making him chew by holding his jaw tightly.

"Taste good?" He smirked.

William looked at him firmly and then looked down, "It's sweet I gues-"

The bunny gagged momentarily, shocked by the spontaneous sour aftertaste. He gasped and quickly held onto Vincent's shoulders, spitting it out.

"V-Vince! That was poisonous!" He exclaimed, pushing the man.


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