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By Meghan Trainor


Two tall women, in their thirties, started  to dress me up while stripping and trying new clothes onto me. Finally, they put me in a red dress  with a deep neck  that shows my cleavage. Two thin strings that go to the back of my neck and are tied around it. If someone would open the knot my dress would fall because the strings are tied behind my neck. Its totally backless till my butt. It drops onto the floor but there is a slit till my thigh. They basically painted my neck and some parts of my breasts which are visible because they are covered with deep purple marks but I must say that they did a good job because I don't see them anymore. I have never worn a dress where I am not wearing my bra. After doing my makeup, they put me in black heels and a black choker. But its a beautiful choker. After that they do my hair and make it fall down. They give me a black mask that has diamond studs onto it. They look so real. The mask just covers my eyes and nose but not my lips. I look in the mirror and i look so beautiful but I feel uncomfortable in wearing such a dress. As i stand up I realise that I'm not wearing my panty so I look at them but they just wink at me and push me to the door.

 Cole stands there with a same mask which looks like mine but its more masculine. He is dressed in his formals but I dont care about him anyways. I  look at the two women who scurried away. He walks over to be and kisses the corner of my lips. His hands brushes my thigh and then he cups my s*x. I shreik at his cold fingers. Is this why those women winked at me and laughed around? I feel so bad, this is unfair. I cant hear whats going around me and its a threat to me, sometimes. I dont resist because he ends up hitting me which hurts. 

He pulls away and gestures, ''You look so beautiful."  

I just nod at him and I smile because he doesnt like it when I dont respond to him with emotions (which he doesnt have himself. 

We walk over and I watch Marcus and Roger wearing Black and their masks as well. I can see Roger's eye glancing at my cleavage so I try to hide myself behind Cole  but he walks around as he picks up a call. I watch Marcus nudging Roger really hard before Roger turns his gaze away. 

As I follow I watch Cedric, "You look beautiful." He manages to gesture quickly before anyone can see. I blush. He makes me blush. Cole didnt. 

 I lightly wave at him and follow Cole in his car. The driver can't see us as its parted.

I look out of the windows, no one can see us from outside. Its so boring


I feel a cold hand betwen my thighs. I flich at first but don't resist. He starts to play with my bud as he rubs it . I feel myself getting wetter and wetter. It feels good. It feel like pleasure. This is it. It gentle.

I feel my orgasm building up and I cant deny that it felt good. I cum on his fingers as he takes them out and brings them to my mouth. This I dont like but I just open my mouth. He inserts his two fingers in my mouth to let me get a taste of how i am. He takes his fingers out as te car stops and pats my cheek.

I cant beleive it. I just enjoyed his touch. I cant believe it. I did it again. I melted in his touch once again. Its not like something was stopping me from resisting his touch but I chose not to because I like it. 

Is it because I have been single all my fucking life?!!! I never wanted this. But because I have no one to rely on, well except for Cedric, I asked comfort from my abuser multiple times and I feel so sick.

Just like a sinner who sins and repents and then sins again. And the whole cycle continues. 

"My dirty little sl*t, enjoyed it? Didn't you?" He whsipers something on my neck as the car door opens and he takes my hand as we step out. We enter a building and Cedric soon appears beside me. But he doesn't give me a smile. He always gives me a smile. I think he is wearing green lenses. 

Cole disappears into the crowd leaving me with Cedric. He keeps looking here and there. 

He suddenly touches his ear. An earpiece? "Yes, Cedric? Yes I am with her now. Don't worry." He says something.

As he looks at me I just smile but he smirks back. He doesnt give me that kind of smile ever. Weird. I tug at him. I want to look around and I gesture to him that we should stroll but he just gives me a blank look. I grab his wrist and I drag him a round the hall. Men stare at my cleavage and as we pass by some people some even manage to touch my back and thighs. I feel uncomforatble so we start walking to a table when a man comes up infront of me. Since its a masquerade, everyone is wearing masks. He starts talking to me and staring at me up and down so I tug at Cedric's shirt but he just frowns at me.

"What are you doing here alone? Who  do you belong to?" He asks me but I just stare at him blankly unable to figure out what he jst said. 

"Acting feisty? I see." He grins and brings his hand to my chest and puts his finger onto my cleavage. I pull back but he grabs the dress near my chest and brings his face closer to my ear.

"Show me this attitude in the bed." He whispers something against my neck. 

I turn around from him to glance at Cedric who is just a metre away from me but he is looking around and being cautious. That man grabs my waist and hugs me from behind. I gasp as I try to get out of his hold. His hand holds my waist and the other grips my breast. I claw at his hand but he tightens his grip. Tears fill my eye but I watch Cedric walk towards me. He grips the man's hand as he twists it hard enough. I just stare at them. The man probably shouts because people turn their heads at us. Cedric sits over the man and starts to punch him but no one around us really cares as they just stare and dont decide to help. 

I walk over to Cedric and pull his shoulder and he immediatly stands up beside me. A guy walks up to the beaten man on the floor and whsipesr something into his ears. The man quickly stumbles away and leaves. I look at Cedric who is still looking around.   

He acts like nothing  happened. I watch Cole walk over to me angrily.

"I heard you did a really great job." He says somrthing to cedric and siles at me.

"Bella? Are you Alright." He asks

He grabs my waist as he pulls me a long with him. We walk further and the men who dared to look at me immdeiately look away when they see cole. 

"The point of this masquerade is to meet and we cant know about each other's identity but people have  already recognised me. " He chuckles as he gestures at me. 

I just nod at him.

Marcus comes in. I recognise him by his mask.

"The Red are here. There are rumours about him." He says something and Cole's grip on my waist tightens as he pulls me closer.

CHAPTER HAS NOT BEEN PROOFREAD AND THERE ARE LACK OF APOSTROPHE'S and CAPITAL 'I's. Sorry but I get irritated by wrong grammar and try to make it perfect where it meets my standard of grammar. 

Hey short chapter again but I am still having my exams and there is still one tomorrow. But make sure you vote. I have planned some crazy shit ahead and it will take some time to reveal some things to you guys. So basically, every secret will be revealed slowly and if are not patient then you might get agitated into thinking that the story isnt going anywhere. 

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