2 - People think loves for show (but I would die for you in secret)

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|6:28pm, 720-B Clarence Ave, BRONX, NYC, November 14th|

"Hold back up, Tracy could be armed and dangerous, wait for our word." Olivia said into the walkie talkie, her back pressed against a shipping container as Elliot peeked round its corner, signalling the all clear for go ahead.

TARU tracked a threatening call from a troubled mother to some abandoned docks, all they knew was that her son was somewhere there too; Elliot muttered a quiet prayer for the sweet boy's protection as they pushed forward, guns drawn, adrenaline coursing through their veins.

And then, so faintly Olivia had to grab her partner by the elbow and hush to silence his footsteps, she heard a small, whimpering voice just up ahead.

The pair had been partners so long there was no need for words, they could have entire conversations with their eyes.

"Elliot. Up ahead, hear it?"

"Good catch, I'll stay at the rear, take the lead."

"Don't get hurt."

"Back at you."

She began approaching, ensuring her footsteps were measured and quiet. Her hand did not shake as she rounded the corner gun first.


Tracy, a young mother who would more than likely be plead down with mental defect in court, and her son, four year old Adam. As Olivia and Elliot came to view the scene fully they realised just how bad it could get. Tracy was holding a gun. Granted, she didn't seem a very reliable shot, but often that makes them more lethal. She had her other arm tight around Adam's neck and dangerously close to the edge of the murky water.

"Okay, Okay Tracy... We're here now, just let Adam go, can you do that?" Olivia kept her voice even but soft and comforting. She raised up one hand but kept her gun trained on Tracy.

"I just wanna go back to normal." She was highly emotional, certainly manic. Unpredictable, but Liv was sure she could talk her down. "I didn't mean it- I didn't mean it but he can't grow up without a dad, not like me, better to put him outta his misery now!" She swung her arm and Adam let out a squeal, his feet now dangling above the water. "See, I read drownin' barely even hurts... He'd just float away... Gave him an extra couple pounds to make 'im go down nice an' easy..." His feet were bound with massive heavy chains; they'd have never found his body.

"Tracy it doesn't have to be this way, just put him down." Elliot's voice carried from behind Olivia. She couldn't see him but the feel of his presence was enough.

She took a step closer, 'I have to get to the kid...'

It somehow still came as a surprise how quickly things can go wrong.

Before Olivia could offer more negotiation she felt it: That sharp, familiar ripping of a bullet piercing flesh; Her shoulder... She vaguely heard another shot being fired, she heard Elliot shout her name, but all she saw was the splash of Adam hitting water.

Without a second thought she threw herself into the inky black water after him.

At 6pm in the middle of winter in New York, the water was cold as ice and visibility from the murky water and darkness of the night was none existent. She barely knew which way was up and which down; all she did know was that she couldn't be the reason this kid drowned.

Her shoulder was agony, with every push of her arms that pulled her further into the deep waters she had to resist letting any of the precious breath she had left go by screaming.

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