5 - Fighting with a true love (it's boxing with no gloves)

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|7:34am, 16th Precinct, November 20th|

She'd come in early to finish up a bit of paperwork and bee lined straight to the coffee station.

"Detective Benson," Chief Cragen's voice called behind her. She sighed, stirring the sugar into her coffee as she turned in his direction. He beckoned, nodding his head into the office he stood at the door to. She caught Fin's eye from his desk as she followed Cragen into his office. As he closed the door behind them she stared expectantly, arms crossed.

"Is, uh... Is Elliot here yet?" He asked, clearing his throat uncomfortably. Liv's heart momentarily did a backflip; she and El wanted to keep things quiet for the time being. She pursed her lips and shrugged.

"No, I don't think so, Sir. Why?"

He held her gaze and a familiar pained look came across his face.

"Captain?" She stepped forward. Cragen sighed, gesturing to a woman, bruised, grazed, and sat alone in the bullpen at an empty desk.

"This woman says he attacked her." He sighed heavily. "Says he showed her his badge, put his gun to her head. She, um, she described his tattoos." Olivia felt an explosion of something awful in her stomach, like fire and rot; an anger she hadn't known was possible.

She hadn't even noticed herself begin approaching the door before Cragen stepped between her and the handle. He put his hands on her shoulders, the firm but gentle grasp of a man who could never dream of hurting her but had the training to if necessary. She stopped with a shuddering gasp.

"It's not true, cap. You know that don't you? It's... I mean, it's ridiculous. He didn't rape anyone." Olivia's voice was even and monotone. She wasn't going to lose it; she didn't need to, it wasn't true. She knew it wasn't.

He was nodding.

"Liv, we know, but... Someone did." He said. She set her jaw, throwing her gaze upward. She moved away from his calming hand. "Are you gonna be able to work this case, Benson?" He asked, watching her pace the small area of floor in his office.

"Of course I am, captain." He'd known her long enough to recognise her defences going up. Her arms crossed, shoulders squared, fists balled instinctively. He nodded, opening the door to his office.

"Okay then detective. Get her statement; find out what really happened. Nicely." He said.

Before Olivia had even stepped back into the bullpen a piercing scream rang out. Her hand instantly went to rest on the gun in her holster as she dashed toward the source of the noise. It was the woman who had accused Elliot, and the man himself had just entered the room.

He stood by the doors into the bullpen frozen, staring at the hysterical woman who Fin and Munch were trying to calm down.

"Get her out- Get her out of here NOW." Olivia gasped, rushing toward El. She took him by the arm, dragging him aside.

"Liv, what the hell's goin on?" He asked, hands briefly on her hips before he remembered they were at work.

"El you shouldn't be here for a bit..." She sighed, breathless and hesitant to continue.

"Why? Who is that-?" He began.

"Because, Elliot, currently you're a suspect in that girls rape." Olivia couldn't bring herself to meet his gaze; she knew this would hurt him deeply.

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