4 - Wreck my plans (that's my man)

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| 4:32pm, Olivia Benson's apartment, November 16th |

"How the hell did you talk Cragen into a weeks paid leave for the two of us?" Elliot asked through a mouthful of chicken chow mein as Olivia returned from her kitchen with two glasses of red wine. She cracked a proud grin as she plopped onto the couch beside him, leaning back into the cushions and stretching her legs out onto his lap; handing the glass she was not already sipping from to him which he took thankfully.

"I'll never tell." She said with a sly wink.

He observed closely as she reclined with a quiet groan and flexed her sore feet; taking another swig of her drink and picking a spring roll from a box, munching absent mindedly. She was at her most beautiful at times likes this; he had his favourite versions of her, Interrogation Liv, Compassionate Liv, Paperwork Liv... But relaxed Liv, there was nothing he loved more than the sight of her without tense shoulders and wide observing eyes. Her hair was messily thrown into a small bun at the back of her head, strands of chestnut and golden bronze framing her features. She wore satin pyjamas in a deep turquoise and her reading glasses balanced on the ridge of her nose as she perused the television for something to watch.

"Something on my face?" She asked in a low hum that made his hairs stand on end, barely even glancing from the TV to him. He shrugged.

"Yeah, actually, just... Here." He leant forward, hand extended to her cheek. Instead of brushing a stray flake of pasty from her lip he slung his arm around the back of her head, his other hand slipping under her satin tank; he kissed her deeply, fingertips tracing her abdomen and waist. He pressed himself into her from above, his hand found it's way to the clasp at the back of her bra and flawlessly unclipped it; taking a handful of soft, tender breast.

She let out a breathy moan at the sensation of his rough hands against sensitive flesh which only made him need her more. Their kiss became more desperate, as though they were trying to become one in the same.

Olivia unbuckled his belt easily. In what must've been a well practiced swift move he retrieved his wallet from his back pocket and rolled a condom on. She gasped into his neck at the moment he entered her; she gripped onto his bare back beneath his T-shirt, her fingernails leaving long red marks with every thrust he made.

Her moans were not loud and over the top, he hated that anyway; it always came across dishonest, like a performance meant for him. But this... This was for her. He would do anything to see her in such ecstasy and the sight of her now, back arched, head tipped back and eyes closed with her lips only slightly parted to let out quiet, soft moans and for her to pant warm breath onto his shoulder... Nothing could make him prouder than to be the one who she wanted.

"Jesus-- Oh, El..." She gasped, her voice low and breathy. He kissed her again and pressed his forehead against hers as finally she gave into the orgasm which racked her body; sending waves of pleasure which rose goosebumps over her soft flesh. With one final stroke and a desperate, long, shaking gasp she came. The sight of her beneath him, chest rising and falling rapidly as she recovered her breath, face flushed and eyes bearing that look of complete contentment... He followed close behind with a guttural, deep groan.

She kissed him with a satisfied hum, running her hands up and through his short hair.

"Well, aren't you spontaneous," Olivia chuckled, taking his chin in her hand and pulling him in for a deep, slow kiss, still smiling wide as their lips locked together.

Olivia's sofa was comfortable but certainly not big enough for the pair of them; Elliot could think of only one solution.

"That I am, M'lady," He said with a smirk as he sat back onto his heels. "please, allow me to relocate us to a more comfortable location." He was already scooping Liv into his arms and lifting her off the couch; she yelped as he hoisted her up with ease. "Only if you promise to never call me M'lady again-!" She chortled. Elliot strolled from the living room to her bedroom quickly, though to be fair Liv wasn't complaining, the way he could hold her so securely and effortlessly was pretty hot.

Kicking the door shut behind him gently, he placed her onto the bed. She kept her arms around his neck, leaning in agonisingly slow and kissing him. She leant back against the bed; Elliot's lips meeting her jaw, neck, collarbone... He lifted the soft fabric of her top and lay more gentle kisses against her abdomen, over old bullet scars and smatterings of freckles. He kissed her hips as he slowly untied the drawstring of her pyjama shorts and slid them off her long, smooth legs which he ran a hand down slowly. Her whole body, every inch of her trembled in anticipation and at the feel of his breath against her inner thighs she let a small whimper escape her throat.

For a second before he went down their eyes met. Her hair had come loose from the bun she'd thrown it back into and strands framed her delicate features, catching on her lips and eyelashes. His piercing blue eyes were hungry, but the admiration he felt at the sight of the beautiful woman beneath him was clear; at the moment his lips made contact with her sensitive flesh she gasped, throwing a hand to her mouth as she moaned. Her hips bucked against his jaw, craving more of the ecstasy he bought her.

Her spare hand went to the back of El's head between her thighs, combing her fingers through his hair. She tipped her head back, waves of pleasure crashed over her, dragging her further into his intoxicating riptide.

At the sensation of his fingers at her entrance her breath picked up, her chest rising and falling quicker. Her tongue and now those perfect hands, a finger slowly slipping into her and curling, pulsing in and out...

"Oh, my god..." She gasped; her soft moans and jerking body gave him all the clues he needed. It was as if he could read her like a book, what she wanted, how close she was. Her legs, slung over his shoulders, began to shake. With a few final pumps of his well trained fingers and an old reliable trick of the tongue she came with a shuddering gasp.

He surfaced with a proud grin on his face.

"Weeks vacation? Baby, there's more where that came from." He said, slowly returning to her eye level and with a hand cupping her cheek; kissing her deeply. The way she smiled into the kiss would've bought him to his knees had they been upright. This was a feeling he was completely alien to, a sense of fulfilment and gratification from simply just loving and being loved by her.

Liv nestled her head into his neck and sighed heavily, utterly exhausted and happier than she'd been in years.

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