the fatui

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As I lay in my bed awake, tossing and turning thinking about the nighmare.

I thought of ways how to distract myself, writing books, learn how to sew, make a play...

Then it came to me!
Why not make a festival.. No a parade!
Yes a parade where people could have fun and... There should be prizes! Like uh... Mora!

I smiled to myself pleased with the plan I've made

I looked at the clock beside me 5:45am
I was quite surprised seeing the time and decided to sleep for a couple hours

Few hours later....

"Miss furina? Breakfast!" Estelle knoncked before opening the door, I yawned as my eyes fluttered open

"Good morning Estelle"
"Good morning miss furina here is your favourite, pancakes with blueberry paired with tea, your clothes and towles are already folded in your bathroom"
"Thank you Estelle what can u do without you" I said smiling

I had a whole day to discuss my grand plan, my parade, the people of fontaine will love the parade and me
I thought smiling widely

"Good mood miss furina?" Estelle said as she washed the dishes
"Surprising isn't it?"
As I said that Mademoiselle Colette Elodie jumped into my arms. She became quite fond of me in a short time

"Awh look at this little darling, can you believe she's already trained? After Onky a few weeks, I'm so proud"
"She loves you miss furina, she only wants to be with you most days"
She purred in my arms as I pet her
"Please just call me furina, I see you as a friend no need to be so formal. "

"Alright furina, don't forget your documents on the table"
"Oh how can I almost forget thank you for reminding me"
"Of course furina" I quickly gathered the documents, the adorable cat still by my side
"Now, now I have to go now"
I set her down
"See you all later" I waved and closed the door.

I walked to the place of the metmeting then looking at my documents there seems one out of place.. Then I saw a symbol.
The fatui symbol my eyes widened

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