Ch. 10 Nicknames

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Madara POV

I was looking at nothing while hearing Gon shuffling a little bit.

What is happening to me? Why am I allowing them to even touch me? I feel annoyed, but pleased at the same time? It's as though I have another person's opinion.... but why? Or much importantly, how?

I wasn't like this, I wasn't even thinking about love and all that. Then, what is this feeling? As if I have another person inside of me...

Am I under a genjutsu? But if so, I would've noticed way sooner. No, it can't be, the only people able to put me in a genjutsu for that long without me noticing are counted by the fingers of a single hand. I don't believe that is the explanation of my case.

Maybe I have another personality? Or another character than the one I show?

*sigh* I don't understood what is happening to me...... why am I feeling sleepy all of a sudden? This is unusual... am I sick.....

I woke up in an unusual place. Looking around, I found myself my old world. In a special place....

"The river.... where I've met Hashirama for the first time..? Why am I here...?"

"Oh, you finally noticed! So, do you remember-"

"What?" I looked around and found a girl wearing kimono-like clothes.

"Hello! I've been living here with you-"

"Who?" I said as I crossed my arms.


"Who are you? I don't remember seeing yo-"

Huh? What are these memorie-


I suddenly felt immense pain shoot it's way towards my head. I lowered and fell to my knees grabbing my head, feeling as though it will burst.

I saw memories flash in my head.... but it wasn't mine...

"Oh! So you're remembering!"

What's up with her? She keeps on saying remember, remember. What should I remember- agh

"I'm sorry I'm causing you so much pain, but you should remember everything."

"I- I died- agh.... I died before even being Madara-? How?"

"Well, you know, there are these things called 'anime' you loved them alot and you wanted to come here as Madara. I helped you fulfil your wish."

The pain started to substitute, and I now have misty parts of my memory. It seems I remembered a part of my first life.

"Now, you should wake up. We will meet some time later, that's a promise!"

Then, I woke up and I saw Gon standing up.

"Oh? Did I wake you up? I'm sorry, here let me help you!" *smile*

I held his hand and stood up, but I retreated my hand quickly.

So I've been feeling attracted to them because of my first life feelings? Did I love them? Annoying, no wonder I've been feeling off lately. That's not my emotion, but it is at the same time.

That means that i adore them, which explains why I was quite shy with them.

Anyways, I was thinking, disregarding the fact that we were already walking out of them room.

Anyways, there is something fishy here. What is the reason they wanted us to participate in groups?

A team.... wai- do they want to test us? If we're going to choose maybe? Because here you can choose O and X.

Maybe they want to see our teamwork? Do they want us all to be accepted? Is the reason behind this exam is to test our teamwor-, .... No, it isn't, if I remembered correctly, there were alot of people there, and I'm sure if they were in groups I would've noticed, that means that they're doing it to just see how we would act in an embarrassing situation.

Yes, they may just want to see how we act in these situations. That means that there will be another stage where we should choose from between us. If we must choose 1. I'll definitely choose that blue tank.

Bit if I need to choose more.... I'll see, I just have to wait till we reach that stage.

(Time Skip)

Now we're standing in a room, everyone Waa standing still after hearing the explanation.

Do they have no analytical skills? Disappointing.... and to think I fell on love with them in my past life-

"Just, think rationally."

"Huh? What so you mean, Madara."

"We're just wasting time.... *finger on her chin* let's choose the long route. We can open a path toward the short one and go from it."


"What? You have any rejections?"

"N-no no! It's just that... I've never thought about this possibility...." -Leorio

"I know, you don't even think about anything" I said as I walked closer to the opened door after we opened it.

"What did you say?!"

"Hard of hearing, old man!"

"Shut up! What can you do you small bra-"

I ignored his comments as I punched the wall, it broke into peices directly."

"... Never mind, you can do alot..." *smile*

"Let's just get this done with."

"Of course!"

"Wait! I have an idea! We can use-"

After sometime, I saw a gate opening, I was running before them because I don't want to be sitting there suffocating while I can walk, or run, perfectly.

I entered and after exactly 1 second from standing there, I was met with a huge hug, who the f-

"Madara! I'm glad you're here! I was going to quit the exam because I didn't see you when I arrived!"

"Hashi- you know I won't lose in such an exam..."

" *sparkling eyes* You're using a nickname?!"

"No" *deadpan*

"I should give you one as well!"

"Hmm, let's see..... Oh! I can call you Amada!"

"Huh? And what does this mean?"

"It's a secret!"


Amada means darling in Spanish

Word count: 951

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