1- Nixon

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"Alpha, there's been another rogue sighting close to the human town to the west border" Luca says barging into my office like he always does.

"Have they stayed out of the town or have they been walking around among them" I ask my friend and beta.

"We've been told by one of our pack members who live in the town that they've seen some rogues around town, causing trouble" giving him a nod in acknowledgment and he leaves the room and I go back to signing more papers for the new housing buildings that will be going up in the town of Brayers that boarders the north side of our territory and has a college a few of the graduating pack members want to attend.

It was once my dream to graduate and go off to college but fate had another plan for me, I wasn't even old enough to take over after my father died but I was strong enough so the council allowed me to step up as Alpha to the Night Moon Pack.

'Incoming' growls Niro just as Viviana walks through my office doors.

"I missed you, where have you been hiding the last two weeks baby" The smell of her perfume causes my stomach to roll as it over powers my senses.

'From you' Niro bites out and I hold back a laugh because it is true we've been ignoring her ever since we caught her telling other members we are fated mates.

"Busy" I respond not looking up from the papers in front of me.

"Have you thought about what I said" she asks coming to sit in front of me on the desk blocking my view of the paper I was reading over.

With a sigh I sit back and look up at her, her dress is short and tight leaving nothing to the imagination and even though her body is toned and looks sexy in and out of clothes she's still not what I want as a mate.  "I'm not going to ask the moon goddess to make you my mate. That would break two souls who are waiting on ours, plus your not my type"

I'll admit Viviana is beautiful and yes we've had some fun in the past but having sex with her is as unfulfilling as watching paint dry. She cant suck cock to save her life and her moans are like nails on a chock board.

"How am I not your type? We look good together, the sex is amazing and I'm the daughter of your fathers gamma" she lists of on her poorly manicured fingers.

I hope that who ever the moon goddess fates me to be with is smart, beautiful, kind hearted and strong willed not superficial, money and power hangry who turns their nose up at those she feels are below her. It's been decades since the Night Moon Pack has had a true luna.

"I have work to do Viviana please show yourself out"

She huffs, quickly standing to her feet and rounds my desk "It's been seven years Nixon your mate is not coming and I'm your last hope at having one, pull your head out of your ass and accept that"

"I am your Alpha and you will respect me when you're talking to me do you understand me" eyes down cast and with a snarl she angrily says yes Alpha and storms out of the office.

Night creeps in fast and my wolf paces around anxious to be let loose, it's been awhile since I've let him out but right now I have to much work and these papers aren't going to sign themselves. The work of an Alpha is never done and with so much territory to cover and pack members living with in the human towns and on pack land my work load is never done.

'Tomorrow we'll go for a run before we have to be at the training grounds' with a roll of his yes he says fine and blocks me out.

Signing the last of the contracts for construction to get underway with in the next day or two I sit back in my chair and let out a sigh, maybe I should just accept Viviana as my mate, she's beautiful and she's right about it being seven years since I was supposed to find my mate. Most wolves find their mates at the age of eighteen, if their mate isn't from our pack then they usually find them at the anual ball held between the seven allied territories at the end off summer.

Year after year since I became Alpha I've attended these balls out of obligation and still haven't found my mate. The moon goddess is sure taking her sweet fucking time with sending me a mate and I'm starting to think that maybe I'm not supposed to have one.

It's not uncommon for wolves to forever be unmated, it allows us to take a rejected mate as ours and claim them or even a widowed mate. If I don't have a fated mate then I don't want one, I'll remain a lone wolf and pass the title of Alpha to my beta.

——————-next morning—————

'Run' Niro asks as we reach the woods edge behind our house.

"Run" I tell him and he doesn't need to be told twice, I quickly shift and run in to the woods.

The cool morning air whips around in our fur as we speed through the trees. Niro abruptly turns to his left and starts running towards the river and I try to tell him I don't feel like going for a swim at six in the morning, but he ignores me and keeps running as if he's chasing something.

The river comes into view and he comes to a quiet halt just at the tree line, staying hidden he creeps around the trees staying in the shadows looking out along the rivers beach for something.

'Do you smell that' he asks and takes a deep breath, inhaling and sniffing the air.

It air smells of lavender and mint, the smell is intoxicating but faint like who ever it belongs to has long been gone and the scent is only lingering in the air.

'Mate' Niro whimpers, stepping out from the shadows and sniffs the ground and air again trying to find our mates scent in the wind.

The scent is a few days old but still strong enough for him to detect, the sweet scent of our mate disappears at the rivers edge leaving both myself and Niro disappointed.

Alpha NixonWhere stories live. Discover now