A little about me

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In the depths of the vibrant California night, on the cusp of September 21st, 2010, the stars bore witness to my arrival into this world. Born into a world of shifting sands, I've traversed borders and boundaries, from the warm embrace of my grandparents' home in California to the colorful streets of Mexico where my father and, occasionally, my mother reside.Within the tapestry of my family, I was once surrounded by three brothers, an unbreakable bond forged in the crucible of kinship. Yet, the cruel hands of fate dealt a heavy blow in April of 2019, as my youngest brother departed this world due to a congenital heart ailment. Now, I stand as the lone sentinel, flanked by my twin brothers, M and E, whose presence offers solace amidst the tumultuous seas of life.Once nestled snugly in the middle of my siblings, I now find myself thrust into the role of the youngest, a mantle weighted with misconceptions. It pains me to witness the assumptions that follow, the misguided belief that being the youngest equates to an existence free of hardship and responsibility. The reality, however, is far more complex, as I grapple with the burdens of expectation and the weight of grief that looms heavily each April.The condolences of well-meaning sympathizers ring hollow, their words a dull echo in the chambers of my sorrow. I bear the weight of loss with stoic resilience, but beneath the surface, a tempest rages, fueled by the tumult of adolescence and the harsh scrutiny of societal norms.In the dim shadows of familial confessions, my brother M revealed a darkness that mirrored my own. His words echoed with the chilling refrain of despair, a haunting reminder of the fragility of our existence. The revelation of his near brush with oblivion cast a pall over my thoughts, igniting a tempest of what-ifs that threatened to engulf me.In moments of despair, I am haunted by the siren song of the firearm, a sinister whisper promising release from the shackles of my anguish. The specter of oblivion beckons with seductive allure, offering respite from the ceaseless tumult of my existence.Yet, amidst the darkness, a flicker of hope persists, a beacon illuminating the path to redemption. In the embrace of my brothers, I find solace, a sanctuary where the burdens of the world fade into insignificance. Together, we weather the storm, bound by a bond forged in the crucible of adversity.Though the road ahead may be fraught with uncertainty, I tread boldly, buoyed by the unwavering support of those who share my journey. For in the crucible of hardship, we discover the strength to endure, and in the embrace of kinship, we find refuge from the tempests that rage within.

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