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She wanted to curse out her uncle, to Maggie and everyone who lived under that roof for the past few months and didn't tell her the truth about her parents.

Carol broke away from Daryl, her sobs fading as she got further away from the group. Most of them watched her go, their hearts breaking for the woman.

The blonde stumbled to her feet and turned to her uncle, and Maggie reached out for her cousin, "Birdy..."

"They were in there the whole time weren' they?!" She growled at Hershel, who was still staring at the bodies of his loved ones, "I didn' get to say goodbye!" Maggie wrapped her arms around Birdy and tugged her away from him, "Hershel! Say somethin'!" Birdy begged,

"I'm sorry." Maggie told her, "I'm so sorry."

Birdy pushed her cousin away in time to see Beth stumbling towards her mother, who was laying in the dirt. She was about to go comfort her younger cousin when Beth's mother's reanimated corpse reached out to the blonde, clutching her arms.

Beth's cries snapped everybody out of their shock. Birdy sprinted forward, grabbing onto the younger girl and trying to pull her away. The others tried to help, moving the sobbing girl away from her mother.

Birdy grabbed a pickaxe from the side of the building and used it to pierce her aunt's skull. Her body dropped and Birdy panted as she stared down at the corpse before picking up the pickaxe again and turning to the other bodies, making sure they were going to stay dead.

Blood splattered across her skin and more tears streamed down her face. Daryl stepped forward and grabbed the weapon from her clenched fists.

"This is what ya do to those you love?!" Birdy turned to her uncle, no longer able to physically take her frustration out on the corpses that littered the ground, "Ya stuff them in a barn to rot?!"

Hershel got to his feet, "Alberta-"

"My mother deserved to be buried! She deserved a funeral with flowers, my father deserved a funeral! Beth deserved to have her mother and brother buried side by side, but now she's gonna remember them as monsters!" Birdy screamed at him,

"Alberta!" Patricia scolded her, "Enough."

Birdy stared up at her uncle's distraught expression. She knew that he knew he was in the wrong. He regretted his actions.

But it was too late. There was no going back from there.

They were dead. They were always dead. And keeping them in that barn, keeping them from their eternal resting spots, gave the Greene family hope that one day everything will return to normal.

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