Old Frenemies

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Po and Zhen still had to make the chasing trek down the mountainscape, which made Po even more exhausted than he already was, but soon the two had reached the outskirts of the city. By the time they reached the main road however, it was nearly dusk and Po's stomach was singing a dirge in the hopes of being fed.

"I don't suppose you know any good places to recommend for dinner?" he asked.

Zhen thought for a moment. Then smiled. "I do!" she admitted. She grabbed Po's hand and started to drag him away from the city towards one of the hills that was close by. Po lamented having to walk back uphill, but Zhen promised the path wasn't as steep up there. She offered to carry Po's backpack if it got too heavy, but Po promised he could handle it. Finally the two reached the top, coming across an old looking tavern that had exuberant laughter coming from within as well as lively music.

"Ooh!" Po exclaimed. "They sound nice."

"Yeah, I haven't been here in years. Hope the owner is still friendly."

Po eyed her. "Why wouldn't they be?" he asked.

Zhen didn't answer him and threw open the doors where Po was greeted by the sight of many board, wolves, crocodiles, bunnies, and a bunch of other patrons Po couldn't see very well. Upon hearing them intrude, a few faces closest to the door turned their heads to see the new intruders. Some of them  didn't pay much mind, but one or two got up and immediately headed over to the other side of the room, disappearing into the crowd.

"I'm digging the smells!" Po told Zhen. "What kind of food do they have in here?"

"Any you can think of. Except for tom yum soup. I wouldn't recommend that."

The two made their way through the crowd and towards the back counter where Zhen flagged the cook and order her and Po some dumplings, soup, rice, and some mapo tofu.  Po had never heard of it, but the smirk from Zhen and the insistence he tried told him it wasn't a food that might agree with him. But he was definitely trying it anyway. He liked new food. As the cook headed back to the kitchen, the two heard a sword unsheathe and suddenly the entire tavern went quiet.

"You have a lot of nerve coming back here," came a gruff voice from down below.

Zhen and Po slowly turned around and spotted a small dark shelled armadillo aiming a sword at them. "Who's the new clan buddy, Zhen?" he asked fiercely.

"Uh, I think there's been a misunderstanding," Po told him. "I'm..."

"Hey San," Zhen interrupted, slowly getting down from her seat. "Long time no see. This is my friend, Master Po. Po this is San. We're old buddies, right?"

"Yeah. Buddies. Buddies who rob each other by cheating at mahjong if that's what you mean!"

"Wait, what?!" Po exclaimed.

Zhen rolled her eyes. "I gotta' reputation here, Po, remember?" she reminded him. "I ain't all sunshine an' cuddles."

Sam stepped forward and slammed the sword he had against Zhen's throat and into the counter. "I want my money," he seethed.

"Kinda' dry right now, pal," Zhen sputtered weakly. She tried to gently push the sword off her throat, but San pushed back even harder.

"Maybe I can help?" Po called over, hoping to ease the tension. "How much does she owe you?"

"7,233,100 yuan. And fifteen fen."

Po blinked in surprise and then looked back at Zhen. "How many mahjong games did you play with him?!" he exclaimed.

Zhen thought for a second. "Four if we're counting the party at Farmer's Field," she recounted.

"I ain't doing this to be funny, you slippery yellow-bellied miscreant!"

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