Chapter II

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They proceeded to walk to the place, it had been in the town of London. Vibrant with street lights, bustling in livelihood. They were directed to a tall black, bricked building. With a ripped " FOR SALE" sign. As they walked in, they were presented with an eerie feeling of the place, the inside was painted white on the upper half of the walls, while the bottom half was painted black. The lower half also had stripes engraved, it had 90's diner booths. Furthermore, it had a bar, and bar stools with them. A tall, lengthy man walks to the place's diner and rests on the cashier counter, waiting for them to proceed for them to get closer. As the crew walked closer, the man started making an eerie smile. " Hehehe, first time bloke's," Said the man, while winking. " Bloody weirdo I tell ya that, but anyways, how much for this place." Greg scoffed, as he looked at the others beside him. " How much are ya willing to pay?"
The man said while keeping his hair-raising smile. " We plan to pay around £500,000, is that alright?" Greg said, as he pulled out the money from his wallet. The man came closer to Greg and lifted Greg's chin up. " You can pay another way" He licked his lips at Greg. As Greg pushed him off and rolled his eyes. " Oi watch it! I don't fancy you" Greg said, as he had his hands balled up into fists. " Ah what a Bloody shame...Anyways, name's Mr.Nightmare, I need you to sign some documents." Said Mr. Nightmare as he snatched up the money from Greg's hand. Greg proceeded to skim read the documents, and signed his band's name. Mr.Nightmare seemed almost aroused as they signed off this wicked building. If only they knew what secrets lay in this building.
"You're free to look around, but if you see something you don't like ... .i have no control over that '' Said Mr Nightmare, as he kissed Greg's hand goodbye. Greg Grimaced at the kiss, but shrugged it off. " Ya know Greg...your pretty fit mate, your nice long curly black hair, those beautiful milk chocolate eyes, with a hint of matcha infused in them, nice toned body." Purred Mr.Nightmare, while clutching on Greg's arm. "Mate....don't Bloody touch me!!" said Greg as he squicked. " why, you can repay me right? Your mate's are explorin, come, i'll show you an adventure." Mr. Nightmare fired up. " NO! If I give you a kiss you leave me and my mates alone..UNDERSTAND?!" Said Greg with his gritted teeth. Mr. Nightmare nods, and they proceed to kiss. Mr. Nightmare happily skipped out of the building, as Greg rolled his eyes at what he experienced. " G...greg...t..this place has a cremator... and uh.. L..look" Said Danny as his legs trembled. Greg looked at some Polaroids in Danny's hands, they showed a lot of death, murders and despairs." Bloody was a murder fest here..." Said Greg, still admiring the photos.
A nice young bird comes into the Building, while she looked around, Greg and Danny look confused at her entrance. " Excuse me lass, need any help?" Said Danny as his head tilted with Greg's. " Ah..y..yes...may i order?" She said hesitantly. " This place was just bought lass, we there's no actual business here, yet!" Greg examailed. " O..oh my.. I'm sorry...Charlotte's the name" She stuck her hand out, for one of them to shake it. Danny shook Charlotte's hand. " Im Danny, this is my mate Greg." Danny smiled faintly, then accidentally dropped the polaroids on the floor. "" Said Charlotte as she fell on her knees, picking up a polaroid with a woman, who was brutally murdered in it. Charlotte's eyes turned into a river, still staring at the photo, as Greg and Danny stood there in silence.
"..I assume this is a wrong time, but may you elaborate on who's....alexandria? " said Danny as he looked at Greg then back at Charlotte. " Saturday night ... .2008 ... .November...28th...Alexandria my wife...was health inspecting a few new restaurants...around 12:00 pm till 9:00pm.... It was around 10:05...I texted and called answer...I filed a police report the following day, They did nothing about it...Alexandria.....ALEXANDRIA!!!" Shouted Charlotte while her eyes, continued to create rivers. "Just for her...I became a cop..TO ARREST BLOODY ARSEHOLES..FOR NOW ON I'LL BE DOING THE HEALTH INSPECTIONS!" Charlotte yelled angrily. Greg and Danny held their laughter, as Charlotte walked out. Nathan and Joey Met up with Greg and Danny. " What was all that Bloody screaming?!" Asked Joey, as he picked up the polaroids. " A lass came in and saw those polaroids. One of them was about her wife, "Now she'll be doing health inspections, as revenge for murders." Said Greg. " Bloody hell now how can we kill for meat production?" Questioned Nathan. " We'll have to buy normal produce so she can inspect it, then our freak show can begin." Said Greg with a faint smile.
" How would we even get weapons, mate? Enough to actually kill someone in one take?" Questioned Danny. " Well mates, ya remember Mr. Nightmare...Well i Exchanged a kiss with him...sadly i may have to exchange more kisses to get these weapons..." Greg grimaced as he said this. " Mates...what if Mr Nightmare killed all these people and used the crematory to get rid of them? Greg ask him, but make sure you flatter his answers out." Said Joey. " He may be a Average joe, ya know, he got away with murder, and it was like 10 people!'' said Danny. " Do I really have to...I'm literally fancying a possible murderer...You know I wonder more about that lass..." Said Greg.
" I'll get us out BLOODY JUSTICE ALEXANDRIA" Said Charlotte as she sped up in the highway. " a bloody cruel word this is...isn't it my love..?" Said charlotte while having slight glances at her wifes' photo, on the car's dashboard. Charlotte was a odd lass, She was much more stern, then other classes. She was always hard on herself, and anything she did wrong, she'd punish herself with extreme exercise. Her Dad went missing, when she was 10, and her mother had relationship problems with other men. Every man, Charlotte's mother met, would leave, which caused her mother to neglect Charlotte.
" I remember the first time We met was senior prom...I saw you lonely in the corner...asked you to dance in the moonlight...looking at the star's telling you... your a special star that was sent down from the moon goddess..." Said Charlotte while tearing up. Charlotte walked out her car, into her apartment. While she laid in her bed, staring at the ceiling. As Charlotte grabbed her guitar, beside her bed, she strummed. " Alexandria is the girl that I wanna love, she's got beautiful diamond blue eyes and a sparkly leather heart." Sang Charlotte, while crying. She placed her guitar down and rolled in her blankets, crying herself to sleep. The night feels empty....
Greg wondered the silent,dark night. His black spiked headphones blasted music as he walked. His Metal, spiked jewelry jingling with the winds voice. The little gray smoke, poisons the air in the process. Filling his lungs like an ashtray, collecting cigarette remains. A lass tapped Greg on the shoulder. " H..hi your really cool can I- " Said the Lass "No "Greg Interrupted the lass, and continued to walking. He found no interest in talking. Night times are his times, it only lasts for some hours, until daylight starts to destroy the beautiful dark sky.
The air started feeling colder, icy even, as he made his way carefully through a cemetery. " you guys are bloody idiots... remember that.." Said Greg, as he crouched down in front of his parents' grave stones." I will make BladdedPriests the deadliest most brutal metal band...for you dad...I will.." Said Greg while cleaning off the rested leaves on the gravestones. " ..Blow a leaf on my head...if your proud of" Said Greg as he frowned. Two leaves flew onto Greg's head. "why...why' that to deserve this....why...WHY BLOODY HELL WHY...I STILL NEEDED YOU BOTH...INSTEAD YOU BOTH LEFT ME...IN THE BLOODY MUD...why..." Teared Greg as he shouted. " ARE YOU EVEN SORRY AT ALL...I DID NOTHING TO DESERVE THIS..." Shouted Greg as he continued. A lotus, dances with the wind, landing in front of Greg. While the sky makes tears fall from the sky. Both Greg's mother and father started crying, sorrow filled their spirits, seeing their son in pain and not thinking about the consequences of their actions. " this...lotus...I still want to know why...I guess i'll have to wait until i'm with you both..." Said Greg, as the sky's tears landed on his epidermis. He placed a commercially made skeleton coupled with a child skeleton.
" Keep this for remembrance...I miss you both every day...." Said Greg as he got up and wiped his tears. He walked away from the cemetery, into the city lights. " There's no point in remorse...this world can be a nightmare if lived wrong..." Mumbled Greg, As he walked to a park. He led out a huge sigh and stared at the tree's dancing, and the tears of the sky stopped. He'd light up another cigarette, starting the coping mechanism cycle...all..over...again...
After getting home to his mates, he saw they were fast asleep. Hence it being 2:35 Am, Greg Got into bed and fell asleep on this dreadful night...

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