chapter two

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olive woke up and brushed their hair out of their face. it was bright in their room; the light seeping in through their partially closed curtains. olive made themself sit up, and they looked at their clock. it read 9:57.

olive shot up from their lounging position and pulled themself from their soft bed. they had to get ready quickly if they were going to get their schoolwork done on time that day. they didn't like working past three, nor pushing work to the next day, and olive was behind schedule. normally, they started their school work at eight, eight thirty at the latest. and at this rate, they would start at ten thirty.

olive finished their morning routine faster than normal and went downstairs to their kitchen to eat something before starting their school work.

they threw an english muffin in the toaster and walked over to the island to sit and wait for their food to be toasted. when they sat down, they noticed a note from their mom.

hey honey,

i'm going to be out late tonight, and won't be home for dinner. please remember to eat something.

i love you,


olive sighed. their mom was always out late for work events. it shouldn't have bothered olive, but it did. olive didn't make friends easily, and spent a lot of time with her. that was mostly because olive's mom had homeschooled them for their entire life, and they didn't have enough practice with social situations.

the toaster dinged, and the muffin popped out, pulling olive from their thoughts. they grabbed the muffin and went back to their room where their school work waited.

when olive got to their desk, they picked up a pencil and started solving the first maths problem of the day. they were studying for a business, which meant a lot of math, but it got boring after a while, especially when olive didn't have any friends to do things with when they weren't schooling.

olive did little outside of their schooling, expect for a bit of minecraft, baking and reading, that is. that was probably why olive's mom insisted they baked some cookies to give out. that way, olive could try to meet people and possibly make a friend or two.

so, it shouldn't have been surprising that when olive saw the note from hunter on their desk, they abandoned their work to look at it.

just like the previous day, it had hunter's number on it. they opened their phone and entered it into their phone. after sending a brief message saying that it was olive, they started working on their math.

it didn't take long for hunter to reply to their message, pulling olive away from their work again.




you know those cookies were awful

absolutely awful

you switched the salt and the sugar or some shit



oh really?

i didn't do a taste check before handing them out


why didn't you try them before handing them out to the whole damn neighborhood


olive laughed to themself, and gave a quick apology, saying they'd make some better ones.


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