Have to have spares

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(This will be where my mentally ill ass begins this story, and where you should also probably begin this story. Who picks up a new book and opens it through the middle and reads from there? Hopefully not you. Enjoy, also don't bash my head with a crowbar bc the characters aren't in character, I'm not some ai, I'm just a human person who has the brain of a 13 year old sometimes. Also, Idk if I've put this, but I cannot write.)

The Doctor was standing by the TARDIS. Rethinking the day at the other planet, along with all that had happened. He went to a theme park, turns out the theme park was infested with Cybermen, and then slightly sort of got converted, the metal digging into his face and possibly his brain, and then played chess to get rid of all of the Cybermen and stuff. All that had happened, but the metal wasn't gone. It should have gone by now. He'd defeated them again, after how many times? Maybe he was just playing a prank on himself that would be explained in a few days. He just kept telling himself that even when he felt it digging more into his skin, slowly taking half of his face. Maybe if he looked at people with a side eye then it would be ok for now.
He got into his TARDIS, and turned away from Clara,trying to pull the metal plate off him. It hurt so bad, most likely meaning it was probably more than just a layer on his face. and when he finally got some off it lifted off his face, he could feel something reaching underneath his skin, dragging it back onto his face, and he could still feel it under his skin, it making his face itch just beneath the skin. At last, he finally managed to lift it off at a good distance, but, from the eye the metal plate wasn't covering, he saw a red string looking thing. It wasn't a bunch of blood clots, but it was very bloody, as he grabbed at it. He was still turned around, trying not to worry his good friend. He finally got ahold of the string, and yanked it. It was attached to a ball. Now was the worst time for him to realise that he couldn't see at all from the eye the metal plate was mostly covering.

He didn't even have any spare eyeballs!

He just put the object down, hoping he hadn't just ruined his face, and possibly lost the ability to see from his left eye. The metal continued to dig into his skin, it now feeling impossible to move it without giving himself a lobotomy.
For now, he just used as much hair as he had to cover the metal, making a mental note to grow it out more. He turned to Clara, really hoping she wouldn't mention the new hairstyle and how bad it looked, it just barely covered the metal. He had the haircut of a typical 2000's teen who was in their emo phase. Maybe he could get it cut off somewhere later, or he could borrow something sharp enough to remove it. Why did it even go from the side of his face to covering almost the entire left half? He then remembered that if the metal was still there, there was a chance that the Cyberman bit was still there. Probably best to not think about anything bad.
Clara hummed in response
"With how I wasn't acting right, you do know what had happened right?"
"Yeah? Of course I do, it was sort of obvious with the metal plate on your head"
how come he couldn't feel it being like that before? Hm.
"Well, were there any changes other than personality?"
He just wanted to make sure there was a way to identify if he was truly fully able to stay as himself, and that the only side affect would just have half of his face removed
"Oh, er, I noticed your skin was paler, and much colder, with a grey tint, like you were dead, also how your pupil would glow a blue colour, somehow, making your entire eye look a blue colour. Also, it was weird how you managed to switch through both so quickly, when it looked like the change should have taken a minute or two"
well, at least she had a lot of information. Hang on, glowing eye? He went somewhere with a mirror, a bathroom. Hopefully not the one with the talking, brutally honest mirror.

He looked at himself, moving the messy hair out of his face, temporarily. Wow, that looked worse than what he'd thought. At least there wasn't the things with the flashing lights, but they probably were in his eye, somehow, which meant that it was probably more spread on his body, like mould in bread.

(I'm no author or professional so this will be a bad fanfic. Enjoy the rest. :] also be prepared for the worst writing, a really slow update schedule, chapters that constantly update bc the author has different ideas and stuff)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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