Lights, Camera, Film, Posted

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That afternoon, Soo Ha Young cried whilst walking back from school. They filmed her, they posted it. The rude comments murmured through her mind. People were looking at her which made it more worse. She went into the store's toilets, she looked in the mirror, ashamed. She snatched her glasses off her face and threw them forcefully to the ground, ruining them. Later, she walked upstairs to a building, having horrid thoughts in her brain. She made it up, she stood right on the edge, about to jump. Then, she made a video message to her mum/mom, saying she loved her. She was about to jump but... She saw the billboard for Jeon Yeon Soo, who'll be 18 but he died. Everyone must miss him, they might be mourning his death. She thinks to herself. She decided not to jump, then suddenly...

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