a note of gratitude.

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Hello my most precious readers. whats up? firstly, i would like to apologisefor any gramatical or spelling errors, i guess spelling errors are the commonly seen thingy in my every story.

i will try to correct it and edit the book, correcting the spellings errors.

secondly, i would like to show my gratitudeto yall for shovering such love and support to my book. some are even pointing out my errors and i can't just express my gratitude to them in words.

thirdly, i would like to make an announcement. currently, i'd like to start up will they change, another of my works and write dazzling tint of devotion, bhakta prahalada.

my upcoming work is dazzeling tint of devotion, bhakta prahalada.

and will they change is my work , just imaginary abut how it would be like if the pandavas and the kauravas reunited in the heavens?

so i must start updating the book, and so, i won't be starting the sequel of this book, mending bonds.

also, i have another of my works, madhurakshi madhavam, to start up.

but first i'll complete will they change and go on to madhurakshi madhavam.

i am not bragging abut me, please don't take it that way.

*apologises catching ears. for such a short thingy, i made the explanation tooo long, it seams.*

anyways, thankyou all the readers who had that kind heart to vote and comment, or at least, click on the book.

lastly, a note.

i had started this book just because i wanted to entertain myself and my brain by litraly all the imaginations in the world. also, as  i am blind, i use the text to speach facility to read out my books.

honestly, i had thought you readers were litraly fead up by reading mahabharat fanfictions. and didn't litralythink i'd recieve the support you showered me with.

also, abut the text to speach. i love the voice that reads out everything to me. so why not listen to our own imagination a little too expressively?

well, love yall readers.

also, to my readers who've been with me throughout the journey.

please mention yourself and give me a shoutout if you were there with me throughout.

not for simply nothing, i'd be able to know how many readers are there, are reading, etc.


bye, see yuh in the seequel.

also, if you can, do support me by reading my other works as well.

"mending bonds", the changed epic, book 1✔️Where stories live. Discover now