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"The Old Ones opened the ears of Girl-Warrior

Tempering the frequency before she left

On her mission

We are sending you, they said,

To learn how to listen.

There is good in this world.

There is evil.

There is no story without one and the other.

You will be gravity.

You will be feather.

Send each story to the heart,

Each word before you act or speak."

-Joy Harjo, Poet Warrior

Waking up as Naruto Uzumaki’s sister was the last thing I expected to happen when I died. One minute I was falling asleep as a college student, and the next I was waking up in an orphanage at the age of two. I didn’t realize where I was at first. And then I was shaken awake by a blonde haired boy with bright blue eyes and whisker marks on his cheeks. Needless to say, I cried.

Thankfully, I was able to act like I was sick. Not that it mattered to the orphanage staff. But it did make Naruto feel better, and that was all that mattered. My main goal in this life is to protect him. I didn’t have any siblings in my last life. But in this one, I immediately felt a connection to Naruto.

It also became very clear just how much the manga left out about Naruto’s life.

The first time we left the orphanage was two days after I woke up. It was to search for food. Because the orphanage didn’t want to feed us. We didn’t even make it down the street before we were attacked. My body was slammed onto the cold ground in seconds. Everything was fuzzy as I looked around, trying to figure out who had pushed me so hard. It was a team of two angry civilian men. Then, they tried to hurt Naruto.

I was up on my feet before I realized what was happening, my arms crossed in front of my face to take the punch that was aimed at his head. It never came. A pair of gentle gloved hands forced my arms away from my face. A cool healing aura passed over my head, accompanied by a green light. And when I opened my eyes, I was greeted by a porcelain cat mask and purple hair. Yugao. She gently checks me over for any other injuries before picking me up in her arms. I turn to look for Naruto, only to see him in the arms of another Anbu with a dog mask and silver hair. Kakashi.

I feel myself finally relax against the woman holding me, my head falling on her shoulder. She pauses for a moment before bringing a hand to my back to comfort me. I see us approaching the orphanage and can’t help but to flinch into her. I feel her hair brush up against me as she turns her head, moving one of her arms to sign something to Kakashi.

“No.” I plead as we get closer. Desperately wishing I could communicate more clearly.

“You need to go inside, it’s late and cold out.” Yugao whispers to me.

“Need food.”

“Didn’t you just eat?” I shake my head, tears finally making their way down my cheeks. The hunger pains, soreness, and sadness about the entire situation hit me all at once. “Taichou.” She says, her desperation clear in her voice. And it’s then that I realize that I’m being carried by a child. The four of us are children. Children who have been thrust into a world that no child should have to face. I sniffle loudly into her shoulder, holding on for dear life. She might be a child, but she’s the first to acknowledge that this is wrong.

We passed the orphanage. Kakashi did not even look at it as we walked by.  Instead we went inside a small grocery store. The shop owner looked too scared of the Anbu buying food to even think about saying something mean to Naruto. Soon though, we were snuck back through our bedroom window. The one perk of us being hated - we got our own room. Naruto immediately tries to eat everything, but I have to force him to only eat a little. One, I don’t know where the hospital is if he eats too much right away, or if they’ll even treat him. And two, I don’t know when we’ll get more food.

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