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As soon as the ceremony ends I hand Naruto our bentos before turning around in my chair to look at the Jonin behind us. Kakashi is reading his dirty book behind Shisui. Tenzo sits behind me and smiles as I turn around to him. On his other side is Genma, and beside him Yugao. Next to her is a new person I haven’t seen in this life, but by the cough he just let out, I know it’s Hayate. So he and Yugao are together then? I table that for later and set my gaze on Genma. I glare at him until he finally looks at me. I can hear Shisui and his cousins say goodbye to Naruto behind me, and I know it’s the worst time to say this because the Uchiha clan heads have just walked behind me to talk to the Yamanakas, but I do it anyway.

“You’re really annoying.” I tell Genma bluntly. He throws his hand across his chest dramatically in response.

“I can’t believe you would say that to me, Kikuko.” He says in the most deadpan tone.

“You wouldn’t shut up! Not all of us are ancient and get to hear this every year like you ‘ttbane!” Yugao and Hayate burst out into laughter, Tenzo’s lip tilts up slightly, and Kakashi lets out a quiet snort as he turns the page.

“At least I’m not a pipsqueak.” Genma smirks around his senbon.

“Oh you’re so dead.” Yugao whispers under her breath as I feel my chakra flare on its own in my anger. I really need to work on that. But that can wait. I have a jonin to kill.

I immediately stand in my chair, ready to jump over it to hit him, but I’m picked up into the arms of Tenzo. He holds me tightly until I stop struggling to attack Genma. I can faintly hear Yugao being the only sane one and offering an apology to the Uchiha behind me.

“You haven’t even started yet and you’re already trying to attack people, Kikuko.” Tenzo sighs as I finally lay my head on his shoulder. Tenzo was sturdy, no tree pun intended- okay, actually yes, pun intended. But he was always able to calm me down when I got angry. I struggle for a few minutes, trying to maintain my breathing as I hear the clan families around us talking, Tenzo has sat back down in his seat. I hold onto his flak jacket tightly, hiding my face in his neck to avoid looking at Genma.

Especially when I start feeling the tears fall down my cheeks. I try to keep quiet, keep my face from being seen, but eventually a sniffle breaks out. I feel concern from the anbu team as Tenzo starts rubbing my back. He’d gotten a lot better at dealing with emotions after being around me and Naruto for so long.

“What’s wrong Ki-chan?” He whispers in my ear but I shake my head. I hear him sigh again before he stands back up, walking away from the group.


“Is currently having a very animated conversation with Shisui and his cousins.” Tenzo supplies. I relax slightly as I feel a breeze hit us.

“Gonna be late.”

“You still have over two hours before you have to be in your class.” He sits down and I feel us move slightly. I finally pick my head up a little to see we’ve made it outside and are sitting on the infamous swing in the courtyard. I see families starting to leave the gym and quickly hide my face. The last thing I need is for a future classmate to see me like this. Things are going to be hard enough as it is.

“What was all that about, Kiku? You’re normally not like that around other people.”

“Genma was being loud.”

"You seemed to be able to understand-”

“But Naruto wasn’t!” I wipe at my eyes roughly, trying to get the tears away, but Tenzo stops me. He wipes them away gently before making me look at him. “You know he has a hard time staying still or listening for a long time! Each time Genma said something it was another distraction!”

The last princess of whirlpool (Naruto reborn story) Where stories live. Discover now