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As soon as I touch the handle, it feels like I’m standing on a beach. When I close my eyes I can see the sun setting between cliffs as the water crashing against them. I can hear rushing water in my ears and feel the heat of the sun on my face. Turning around I see a variety of buildings, some tall while others are a lot shorter. Each building is painted in vibrant hues, each its own individual being. No two buildings look alike. The only common thread between each of them is the intricate swirl above each doorway.

And then, I feel a cloth brush against my cheek. It brings me crashing back to reality. I blink hard, and once my vision begins to clear I’m back in the small weapons shop. I feel myself starting to shake as the shopkeeper pulls me into a hug. As soon as he pulls back from the hug, he walks back behind the counter, grabbing something from underneath it. He walks back around and hands me a bokken.

“Now, I know you’re excited to use the real deal, but it’s best to begin with a bokken and work your way up. I expect you to give it some time before moving on, okay?” I manage to nod yes as he reaches into a pocket of his coveralls, pulling out a scroll. “I assume you know how to work this, Uzumaki-hime?” I smile widely at the storage scroll.

“Yes sir! And my name is Kikuko.” He hands me the scroll and I quickly place it on the floor, setting the bokken down beside it. Now that my hands are a little free, I open the scroll and place my sword inside of it. I roll the scroll back up, holding it to my chest tightly as I pick up my bokken.

“It has been an honor to meet you, Kikuko-hime.” He smiles before bowing low to me. I feel my heartbeat wildly in my chest.

“What’s your name?” I ask quietly as he stands up straight.

“My name is Hiroto, Kikuko-hime.”

“Why are you-”

“Kiku-nee! Time to go!” I hear Naruto call by the front door. I look back to Hiroto who motions for me to go towards the sound of my brother’s voice.

“Can I come back?”

“It would be an honor.” He bows his head again. I awkwardly hug him around his leg before heading to the front of the store. Naruto and Shikaku are the only ones left inside. I can vaguely hear the others talking outside over the ringing in my ears.

“Eh?” Naruto says as he hands me the backpack I bought earlier. “What’s that Kiku-nee?”

“It’s a bokken.”

“Oh cool!” Naruto says, bouncing on his feet. “Shikaku and Yoshino bought us our shuriken and kunai! I already put yours in your bag!” I look up to Shikaku and-

“Don’t even think about paying me back, kid.” He pats the top of my head as he opens the door. Naruto bursts out of it, running to talk to the other kids. I carefully put my scroll in my bag before zipping it up and putting it over my shoulders.

“I thought you already knew how to make storage scrolls?” Shikaku asks as we walk out of the shop.

“I do, but there’s a sword inside of it.”

“A sword?” Shikaku pauses his steps, looking down at me.

“Hiroto-san, the shopkeeper said it was from an old friend from Uzushiogakure.”

“While I trust Hiroto-san, you shouldn’t buy swords from just anyone, Kiku-chan.”

“I didn’t buy it.” Shikaku doesn’t say anything as I look down at my feet. “He handed it to me and- you’re gonna think I’m crazy.” I pout. I see Shikaku’s sandals in front of mine as he moves to stand in front of me. I look up as he crouches down to look in my eyes.

“I won’t.” He gives an encouraging smile and I let out a long breath.

“I think I saw Uzushiogakure. It was like I was on a beach, and there were really pretty cliffs! And then the buildings! None of them looked the same- they were all really bright colors! And I could hear the water moving and smell the salt.” I’m out of breath after my explanation. Shikaku’s eyebrows are raised, but all he does is nod his head and stand back up.

“Just have one of us check out things first next time, alright?”

“Okay.” I nod, holding my bokken tight to my chest. “Hey, Shikaku?”


“Why’d he call me Kikuko-hime?” His eyebrows raise again before he goes back to his typical Nara lazy stance. He drops his hand on my shoulder as we continue to walk.

“I don’t know, Kiku-chan. That might be a question for Hokage-sama.” I nod again and smile widely at Naruto as he skips down the road with Ino. I’m going to have to bug Yugao about kenjutsu lessons later.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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