Chapter 2

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************** 5 Months Earlier*************************

"Bitch I got a friend for you to talk to, well write he's in prison and he's looking for a pen pal.

 Before you say no bitch think and listen. I will pay you, all you gotta do is just talk to him and

 pretty much keep him a little company. He's real nice, easy to talk to and he knows my husband

 RJ so he's good people". Explained Tiasha

I was in a fucked up place in my life. My mom had gotten sick and I now had to care for her on

 top of the fact that my boyfriend Ramone was working but his checks weren't enough to cover

 all of our expenses. My mom needed around-the-clock care, so I had to quit my job and stay

 home to take care of her. She did have insurance from her job but once she was no longer able

 to work, her health care benefits were cancelled. Ramone helped me a great deal financially

 with her care treatments and medications but once his job cut his hours he couldn't take on the

 load alone. I had to make some type of power move and I knew that I'd never meet this dude so

 I didn't think too much of it. I'm thinking it was going to be some pretty easy money to sit back

 and sell this nigga a dream? Bet I'm in. She said that she had spoken to him already and told

 him about me and without my consent she sent this nigga a picture of me that she stole from

 my Facebook page. Slightly enraged I asked "Are you fucking serious? Why would you send him

 a picture of me? I don't want this nigga to know what I look like what type of shit are you on?''

 what if I told yo ass fuck no then what?" "Calm down it's not that big of a deal he wanted to have

 an idea of who he was talking to, bitch chill you about to get paid do you know how much

 money this nigga got? He told me he would pay the both of us just for a few letters from you. He

 said you were beautiful and just looking at your picture made him want to drop some money in your account". 

I was lowkey pissed off because I had planned on doing this anonymously but shit got hard at

 home and I needed all the money I could get that didn't involve me selling pussy or doing

 nothing illegal. I owed Ramone a lot for helping me out, I wanted to financially help him out

 with the goals he had in mind. He was good at fixing cars and wanted to open up his shop, once

 he found a trade school that he could go to that would provide him the training he needed to

 get licensed all that was left was saving up to lease a shop until he could afford to buy it out.

 Those dreams got placed on the back burner when he started giving me money to help my

 mother. After I thought about it a little bit more, I gave her the ok to put the plan in motion. 

It was a Saturday, in January, and she picked me up from my house to discuss things. I hopped

 in the car, she had a blunt ready for me that was fat and in rotation, as we began talking on our

 way to the mall. "So let me tell you girl my nigga got plugged. Some nigga in prison with him is

 making a killing selling pill, coke, and suboxone strips. This nigga not only has commissary out

 the ass, he bought his baby momma a whole 4-bedroom house and that bitch has a Bentley

 truck. My husband was us to get in on the action and get fucking paid. I want it all and I want it

 now. Shit, I'm tired of doing CNA work I want to pay my entire tuition to go to dental school".

 Exclaimed Tiasha. I'm listening to her and laughing at her facial expressions. 

I was so curious to know how this nigga was making all these moves behind bars? Shit the way

 she was telling you would have thought that these niggas were on some inside mafia shit. "Ok,

 how the hell is he doing all of this behind bars? I know the work program is not cashing their

 inmates out like that, if that was the case, they could have afforded to get a better team of

 lawyers going into their trials."

"Naw look the nigga have his baby momma get the shit from his supplier, she stuffs the shit and

 brings it to him on her visits" explained Tiasha. I didn't want to sound stupid by asking her the

 questions but I had no idea of how she did it.

"Ok, I have some questions: 1> stuff it? Stuff it with what? 2> How is she giving it to him? Don't

 they search people before they enter the prison? That's a dangerous gamble to face if she gets

 caught, it's wraps" Tiasha laughed so hard it was almost as if I had told her a joke.

"Girl, she stuffs the bags in her pussy before she gets to the prison because yes, they do search

 you but they don't make you take off your clothes like you being processed in, once she gets to

 the prison and gets checked in it's a bathroom near the vending machines in the visitation area.

 She pulls the shit out and puts it in her bra, then when she gets to the table, they allow you to

 get snacks from the machine and eat it with the person you came to see, she's real slick with her

 shit, she said she pretends that she's coughing and like slides the shit into the chip bag, once it's

 his turn to get some chips he dispensed the bag into his mouth so he can catch the balloons

 with the stuff in there, swallow them then it's done. He waits like 3 days until he has to take a

 shit and since the bathroom is in their cells, he doesn't have to worry about being checked once

 He's done using the bathroom. He washes it off, opens it, and sells the shit". I couldn't listen to it

 anymore before I almost pissed on myself from laughing. Like what type of prison-style drug

 ring shit was this? I literally couldn't believe what she was telling me. Completely flabbergasted,

 I just sat there for a minute and we both continued to a 30-minute laughing session. Finally

 arriving at the mall, her husband RJ calls her...

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