Chapter 10

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"Wake up bitches it's breakfast time" chimed Officer Freya

I had a dream that I was at home waiting for my mom to finish dinner. She was making

 homemade macaroni and cheese, rotisserie chicken, some sweet potatoes, and some fresh corn

 on the cob. I was in heaven, that Is until Coco yelled my name; apparently, I was talking in my sleep.

"Aye wake yo ass up beauty its chow time, yo ass dreaming about food and shit smacking your

 lips I was gon run my finer across them bitches hoping you would suck on one," said Coco

I felt disgusted! Jumping up I grabbed my tray and opened the lid, Grose, the oatmeal looked

 like burnt grits, the bagel was hard and outdated, the fruit was dry and I had 2% milk to drink. 

I wanted to bawl up and cry. Not only is the place a fucking dungeon the food was terrible.

 I handed my tray to the new girl who came in minutes after breakfast was served, her name was

 Courtney. I sat on my bunk, grabbed my pad of paper, and began to write Ramone. I missed him

 terribly and felt so fucked up about everything that had led me here. Calls weren't enough,

 neither was a long-ass letter I wanted to touch him, kiss him, hold him. I needed my baby and I

 knew that he needed me. A month has flown by and my time in this jail felt like hell. I'd never

 been put in a compromising situation such as this; I had to sleep alone but not so alone when

 you're sharing a cell with 4 other hoes. Your every move is being watched by guards, cameras,

 and other women. Eating, sleeping, shitting, and showering were all under surveillance which was terrible!

For my comfort, I'd often wait until everyone went to sleep if I had to take a shit. These girls

 didn't mind, their philosophy was we were all females so it didn't matter but I was different I'm

 used to privacy. I had a lot simmering in my mind, I was angry, resentful, and wanted revenge.

 I had thoughts about Havana and wondered what she went through when she got locked up,

 granted I was in jail and she went to prison but being caged like an animal didn't make it any

 different. Havana wasn't the type of person to cause conflict nor be in it. I wished I had a real

 chance to talk to her and ask what had happened. Why did she get in trouble? I wondered if she

 got into the same shit Tiasha was into and maybe it went south? Every fiber in my being told me

 that Tiasha was behind it all either she knew something or set something up. Havana never

 brought anything up to me putting Tiasha in a negative light so I had no idea what was going on.

 But the moment she told me to stop fucking with her without giving me any reason as to why I

 should have listened. I missed her so much and I had dreams about us laughing and playing

 around by the lockers in high school.

Everything happened so fast that all I did while waiting in the holding cell was cry. I couldn't

 understand what was happening to me and why. When people would ask what I was in for? I'd

 give a short explanation and they would all say the same thing I knew she set me the fuck up! 

I was pissed the fuck off and what made the situation worst, she wasn't in there! I'm stuck doing

 the time for a crime I didn't commit. I knew that everyone else was right in saying I was her bait

 who got caught but the thing I couldn't understand was why?


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