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"nmixx, change up, let's go!"

Why did we have to practice on such a hot day!?

Yuji was sure she had sweated enough to fill an Olympic swimming pool today and practice wasn't even close to being over.

"You good over there?" She heard her friend and group mate Lily ask, gently placing a hand on her clammy shoulder.

"Yeah, all good," Yuji sighed. She might not have been a very good liar, but she was an expert at being sarcastic.

Lily laughed, patting Yuji's shoulder as she gestured towards the rest of their group. "C'mon, we should probably get back to practice now."

Yuji groaned, playfully dragging her feet across the floor. Being the oldest of the group, she had personally made it to keep her group cheerful. And despite not being the leader, she acted like the mother and big sister of the group.

How she managed to be both, they couldn't know. They didn't complain though.

The group laughed at her playful exhaustion, Haewon joining in as she walked up to Yuji and grabbed her arms. "Hurry up, Yuji!" She exclaimed cheerfully, gently dragging her towards the middle of the practice room.

In less than a minute, everyone was smiling as they carefully dragged at Yuji's arms. Yuji was now sat on the floor, refusing to get up like a small child would.

"But I don't wanna!" She whined playfully, the girls all laughing at her childish nature. "Alright, alright, seriously though. We gotta get to practice," Haewon sighed, her smile still bright.

Giggling, Yuji stood and moved to her position for their latest comeback, 'DASH'. Just as the music started, the door opened.

The girls all turned to look at the idol standing in the doorway.

"Yuji-ah, can I talk to you for a moment?" It was Yuna, Yuji's little sister. Yuji wasn't the oldest sibling, but cared for her two sisters like she was.

"Yeah, of course," she replied, turning to her members who all nodded their heads, BAE making a 'go' gesture.

"So, I'm not entirely sure if this is true, but I felt like you should know." Great start, Yuna. The two sisters stood out in the hallway connecting the practice rooms (I don't know what the building looks like I'm sorry 😭), discussing this supposed urgent topic.

Yuji raised her eyebrows, gesturing for her younger sister to continue before she got too confused.

"Yeah, you should know. Because of the whole
Hy-" Yuji cut her off, pushing a hand over Yuna's mouth. "Yuna! Not in the main hallway!"

"Right, sorry," Yuna sighed as Yuji took away her hand. "It's fine, Yuna. Go on."

"To get straight to the point, I heard from Chaeryeong that she heard from Changbin that he heard from-"

"Yuna," Yuji spoke softly. "Get to the point?"

"Right." Yuna inhaled slowly, only making her older sister to grow more impatient. "Apparently Hyunjin likes you."

Hey guys!! This hasn't been proofread so apologies if it doesn't make the most sense. Love you all!!! <3

Who's your NMIXX bias?

My bias is Lily <3

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