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   Soft footsteps echoed from the NMIXX practice room as BAE walked towards the door. She swung the door open, her gaze switching between to two siblings.

   "Sorry, Yuna, but Yuji's gotta get back to practice," she said, gesturing Yuji back into the practice room. Yuna smiled as her older sister opened her mouth to protest.

"Yeah, I should get back to my group to," Yuna smiled smugly. "See you later, Ji!" Yuji watched as her sister walked off.

The next few hours of practice were a blur, the thoughts running through Yuji's head not at all related to the choreography.

Hyunjin. That's all the ran through her mind. Did he really like me?


The oldest member practically jumped out of her skin. "Practice is over," Haewon said. Right, practice is over.

The members frowned as Yuji gathered her stuff. She seemed... out of it. Like her mind was some place else.

"You okay?" Sullyoon's voice seemed distant in Yuji's ears, like she was standing on the other side of the room. "Yeah, yeah all good," she replied.

The members, knowing better, deciding it was best not to pry an answer out of her, gathered their stuff and said their goodbyes.

Not long after, only Jiwoo and Yuji remained in the practice room. "You sure you're okay?" Jiwoo asked.

"Yeah, I'm all good, Jiwoo. Don't worry about me, okay?" Yuji said softly, smiling at Jiwoo as the two members stuffed their belongings into their bags.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Jiwoo smiled, walking out of the practice room.

Yuji sighed. Silence. The one thing Yuji hated more than anything. Silence was nice sometimes, sure, but silence whilst a million thoughts are running a marathon through your mind? Don't recommend.

She frowned. What if Yuna just made it up so you'd be happy?

She wouldn't do that, her mind fought back. She's your sister.

But she's a kid. You know that, Yuji. Yuji muttered a curse. Stupid internal-unneeded-dialogue.

Slinging her bag over her shoulder, Yuji dragged her feet towards the door, opening it to find her sister staring back at her.

"Finally!" Yuna claimed, grabbing Yuji's arm and dragging her out to the parking lot. "Yuna!" Yuji protested. Yuna either 1. Didn't listen or 2. Didn't care.

Plopping herself down onto the drivers seat, Yuji started the car as Yuna placed their bags in the back and sat in the passenger seat.

Yuji pulled out of the parking lot and eased down the road. "So..." she started. "We gonna talk about the whole... Hyunjin situation?"

Yuna shrugged. Again, great start, Yuna. "Yuna, you can't just drop that on me then not talk about it," Yuji sighed.

"Just... think about it for a bit. I reckon the word will get around soon enough." Yuna smirked.

"Yuna, what did you do?" Yuji questioned, parking her car outside the siblings' shared apartment. Yuna shrugged again, giggling as she grabbed her bag and raced into the apartment.

"Yuna!" Yuji laughed, grabbing her bag and racing after her.

"Changbin!" Hyunjin exclaimed, chasing his hyung around the Stray Kids dorm's couch. "What did you tell her!?"

Changbin laughed, running behind the kitchen counter - and nearly bowling over Bang Chan in the process. "I can't tell you!" He laughed.

"Why not!" Hyunjin asked, though it was more of a statement rather than a question. Bang Chan shook his head with a smile.

"Because you'll kill me!" Changbin ran around the dorm, Hyunjin on his tail. "Seo Changbin!"

Chapter 2!!
Sorry for the wait guys,
hope you enjoyed! <3

Do you usually bias members
with deep voices or high voices?

I usually bias members with deep voices

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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