Chapter 3: Aly

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I walk into the front door of Jason's house and I see a bunch of girls in the kitchen. I don't know why he thought he needed more girls here. There seems to be plenty to me. In fact, plenty of people. Jason is the popular wrestler at Yorktown. He is friends with everyone and apparently that extends to different school districts. This is not just a 'Yorktown' party. I even see Baylor students here.

The house was bursting at the seams with people. Couples making out on the stairs, I could hear people upstairs, and the basement throbbed with music. Of course, alcohol flowed freely without a single adult in sight – the quintessential 'Yorktown party' scene.

I snagged a spot on the sofa, pulling out my phone. Still no reply from Wine. Maybe what I said was too forward?

I see Katie and Jason talking near the kitchen. They should just date already but we all know Katie likes to explore her options or at least likes the attention of other males noticing her.

Ashley noticed me and leaned in, "I know this isn't your scene. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm having fun!"

She looked intrigued. "So much fun that you'd want a Birthday Drink?"

I am not a drinker but honestly maybe a small buzz would numb the social anxiety that I am starting to feel

"Uh, sure!" I said

"Wait, for real?" Ashley's shock mirrored my own.

I nodded. She looked excited and said "Okay, I'll be back. You're going to have fun!"

I smiled and then sunk into the sofa. I looked at my phone and no text back. Why should I expect a text back anyways? He was so handsome. I don't know why he would go for a girl like me. Wine being interested in Katie would make sense. She's shorter, skinny, an athlete, and is blonde. Not to forget the best dressed at school. Wine looked athletic and kind. Those guys don't date me. They date Katie. That makes sense. I bet he got my number to make her jealous. Guys do that.

"Here you go Birthday girl!"

Ashley handed me a red solo cup with something pink in it.

"I brought your pink lemonade in from the car that you got at the store and spiked it with vodka. Don't worry, its not strong. Taste it!"

I took a hesitant sip, cringing at the taste, while Ashley laughed at my reaction.

"You'll be fine! Come on, get up, let's go take a lap around the house to see who is here."

"Do I have to?" I sarcastically asked.

She grabbed my hand and we pushed our way through. I saw the same ole Yorktown students. I hear the occasional "Hey Aly!" or "Aly's here!" but usually conversations don't go farther than acknowledging my presence.

We stopped after taking a lap around and decided to not go into the basement because people coming up from it looked sweaty and gross. We stayed upstairs where it was cooler and slightly less populated.

Engaging in light conversation with acquaintances from afar, time seems to slip away unnoticed. Over an hour has passed since our arrival, and I find myself with an unfinished drink, hardly feeling a buzz. But being here still surpasses the alternative of being at home.

Leaning against the wall, I casually look to my right. I catch him staring at me. My heart sinks, But it's not Wine– it's Rain. My heart sinks momentarily, but a surge of excitement courses through me. I start to wonder if Wine might be around too, somewhere in the mix.

Rain walks closer to me with a beer in his hand. He looks like he is tipsy by the way he stumbled over the kitchen chair.

"Damn that chair came out of nowhere" He laughed at himself while pushing his reddish brown hair back. I can smell the beer on his breath.

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